Information on Post-Graduate Vocational Training Programmes

What they are, who they target and the enrolment procedures applicable to Post-Graduate Vocational Training Programmes at the University of Bologna.

Updating knowledge and learning new skills are key factors for tackling the complexities of the job market.

University Post-Graduate Vocational Training Programmes run by the University of Bologna target people who are already working or who in any case have already initiated a professional career.

The flexible, customised learning formulas with modular timetables were designed to ensure the participation of worker-students.

Moreover, most of the courses also accept unemployed students, provided they have already gained some form of significant work experience.

At the end of the course, certificates are issued  to confirm the acquired skills and in some cases university learning credits are also awarded.

Enrolment in a Post-Graduate Vocational Training Programme with selection procedure

Students wishing to enrol in a Post-Graduate Vocational Training Programme should go to the Studenti Online website and fill in the on-line application following the instructions given in the call for applications.

Having completed the application and paid the fee, students should print the summary sheet, sign it and deliver (or send) it to the course location (addresses are indicated in the call for applications) with proof of any qualifications, within the deadline laid down in the call for applications.

Students must then attend the selection procedure on the date and time indicated in the call; as described in the call, the ranking list of students will be published, and the admitted candidates may then register. If the selection procedure is based exclusively on the assessment of qualifications, attendance at the selection is not required.

Students admitted to the course who then have to enrol in a Post-Graduate Vocational Training Programme with selection should go to the Studenti Online website and fill in the on-line application following the instructions given in the call for applications.

Having completed the application and paid the fee, students should print the registration form, sign it and, within the set deadline send it to: University of Bologna - Master's Office  - Via Zamboni, 33 - 40126 Bologna (Italy) or deliver it by hand to the Master's Office in Strada Maggiore 45 (Bologna), with a copy of an identity document and the payment receipt.

Enrolment in a Post-Graduate Vocational Training Programme with direct registration

Students wishing to enrol in a Post-Graduate Vocational Training Programme with direct registration should go to the Studenti Online website and fill in the on-line application following the instructions given in the call for applications.

Having completed the application and paid the fee, students should print the registration form, sign it and, within the set deadline send it to: University of Bologna - Master's Office  - Via Zamboni, 33 - 40126 Bologna (Italy) or deliver it by hand to the Master's Office in Strada Maggiore 45 (Bologna), with a copy of an identity document, the payment receipt and the qualifications laid down in the call for applications.


Ufficio Master Bologna

For Professional Master’s programmes, Post-graduate vocational training programmes, Summer and Winter Schools with University educational credits


Viale Quirico Filopanti, 7 - 40126 Bologna

Office hours

Desk for: - Submission of the originals of the requested qualifications (Students who are enrolled in a Professional Master' programme); - Collection of parchments (students who have obtained the title of Professional Master) -


Desk for: Submission of the originals of the requested qualifications (Students who are enrolled in a Professional Master' programme); - Collection of parchments (students who have obtained the title of Professional Master) - (by appointment only through booking on Studenti Online) Tuesdays from 9.00 a.m. to 11.45 a.m. and Thursdays from 2.30 p.m. to 3.45 p.m.

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