Academic Year | 2023-2024 |
Subject area | Medical, Pharmaceutical and Veterinary Medical Sciences |
Cycle | 39 |
Coordinator | Prof. Igor Diemberger |
Language | English, Italian |
Duration | 3 years |
Application deadline: Jun 20, 2023 at 11:59 PM (Expired)
PhD Call for Applications, with scholarships funded by NRRP and other funds
Enrolment: From Jul 28, 2023 to Aug 22, 2023
Doctoral programme start date: Nov 01, 2023

- Operating centre
- Bologna
- Main Department
Department of Industrial Engineering - DIN
- Associated Departments
Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician" - CHIMDepartment of Pharmacy and Biotechnology - FaBiTDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering - DISIDepartment of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering - DICAMDepartment of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi" - DEIDepartment of Psychology "Renzo Canestrari" - PSIDepartment of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences - DIBINEM
- Research topics
- Biomechanics
- Neurocognitive system
- Diagnostics
- Therapeutics
- Methodologies
- Devices and services
- Analysis of processes and artificial intelligences
- Job opportunities and potential areas of employment
- We imagine three possible careers for students achieving PhD: academic, industrial, managing. The doctoral program is set for the generation of expertise in the area of: academic and industrial research or managing organization in the area of health technology.
- Admission Board
Appointed by RD n. 709/2023 Prot n. 149534 on Jun 02, 2023
Surname and Name University / Institution Role email Borghi Claudio Università di Bologna Member Cristofolini Luca Università di Bologna Member Diemberger Igor Università di Bologna Member Lotti Nadia Università di Bologna Member Sambri Vittorio Università di Bologna Member Castellani Gastone Università di Bologna Substitute Cenacchi Giovanna Università di Bologna Substitute Chesani Federico Università di Bologna Substitute Viceconti Marco Università di Bologna Substitute * The following shall take part in the work of the Examination Board as expert members for positions linked to specific research topics:
- Dario Rea - IMA S.p.A.
- Learning outcomes
The objective of the new Doctoral Program in Health Sciences and Technologies is to generate the new generation of scientific and professional leaders leaders with a remarkable experience in industrial, clinical, and academic research.Our goal is to develop an research program at the interface between technology and health, which is inspired by a dual quantitative approach involving both medical, biochemical and engineering research leading to the most important areas of biomedical discoveries. The doctoral training program will prepare students in conducting translational research which includes human physiology and pathology, physical and chemical mechanisms, and how these mechanisms can react to the processes of health and disease with the aim to develop new technologies relevant to human health, including prevention, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and rehabilitation.
- Activities to be carried out by Doctoral candidates
The PhD students will have an intense cultural activity, that will be largely self-managed. The main activity for the first year will be based on a yearly seminar focused on the principles of bio-medical and technological research. This will be integrated by a comprehensive seminars program, involving many different areas that can be selected by the students with the aim to achieve a specific numbers of teaching credits (> 6/year) that must be formally documented. Every year each student is expected to present an update of their research, with a discussion and critical revision with with the supervisors, the other students of the program. The seminars will also be used to rehearse conference presentations of particular importance
- Research training activities compliant with the Doctoral programme's learning outcomes
- Lectures
- Teaching seminar on the basic principles of biomedical and technical research (first year)
- Frequency of seminars by national and international experts (second and third years)
- Frequency of laboratories
- Participation in national and international conferences with attendance of specialized courses of study
- Preparation and exhibition of scientific presentations at national and international conferences
- Critical review of scientific articles published in international journals.
- Internationalization features
Periods abroad will be organized, optionally, for a minimum of three months, to conduct and / or complete research projects. Foreign teachers will conduct seminars and classes as part of the educational doctorate. Tutors will stimulate and support the involvement of the students to calls for national and international programs, for the allocation of research funds by planning international research programs in collaboration with other groups abroad. The PhD training activities can be found on the websites and will be disseminated at international scientific meetings in order to promote the participation of foreign graduate students. The identification of candidates from abroad is supported by the development of research projects that involve international institutions and a teaching program including international scientists.
- Expected research results and products
As results of PhD programme we expect the achievement of original results in terms of relevance and importance. The expected tools will be scientific publications, patents design and realisation of innovative applications and software systems in the domain of health science and technology.