- Docente: Fabrizio Cavani
- Credits: 10
- SSD: CHIM/04
- Language: Italian
- Moduli: Fabrizio Cavani (Modulo 1) Francesco Basile (Modulo 2) Andrea Fasolini (Modulo 3) Stefania Albonetti (Modulo 4)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2) Traditional lectures (Modulo 3) Traditional lectures (Modulo 4)
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Industrial Chemistry (cod. 6066)
from Feb 24, 2025 to May 29, 2025
from Feb 26, 2025 to May 27, 2025
from Feb 28, 2025 to May 21, 2025
from Apr 02, 2025 to May 21, 2025
Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes are: i) development and management of chemical processes for the production of commodities, fine chemicals and specialties; ii) application of scale-up methodologies from lab to pilot and industrial plant; iii) application of methodologies of the registration and authorisation of chemical compounds; iv) evaluation of hazards associated to chemical productions, and perform risk assessment; v) application of strategies for products separation; vi) estimation of economic parameters, analysis of costs associated to a chemical production; vii) choice of the catalyst and of process parameters for a chemical process; viii) fundamentals of intellectual property, and marketing strategies.
Course contents
Pre-requisites: Characteristic and structure of the chemical industry. Concepts of mass and energy balances. Main catalytic reactions. Main biphasic equilibria and related diagrams. Concepts of chemical process economy. Concepts of intellectual property Concepts on toxicity and hazard of chemical compounds, and on their flammability. Concepts on the design of process flow-sheets. Concepts of thermodynamics and kinetics, in order to understand the effect of process parameters on yield and selectivity to products.
Strategies in the design and operation of a chemical process. Process and product types. Procedures for the regulation and authorization of chemicals. Life cycle of a product and added value: priorities in the design of a process. Practical examples of the evolution of chemical processes. Guidelines in the scale-up of chemical processes.
Basic Concepts. Recalling fundamentals and guidelines for the design of flow-sheets. Main types of catalysts and their industrial applications. Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis. Role of the main reaction parameters. Characteristics of the main types of reactor; performance and selection criteria.
Risk analysis in chemical processes. Hazard and operability study (Hazop). Quantitative risk assessment. Fault tree analysis (FTA). Calculation of the frequency of accidents. Consequence assessment. Risk management.
Formulation of chemical compounds. Importance of formulation in the chemical industry; principles and methodologies. Emulsions, choice of emulsifier.
Economic analysis of chemical processes. Economic aspects in the design and management of chemical processes. Battery limit and calculation of costs. Fixed and variable costs, types and their impact. Main methods for the economic evaluation. Practical examples.
The management of chemical processes. Effect of the main operating parameters (temperature, pressure, partial pressures of reactants, time) on process performance indicators: conversion, yield, selectivity, productivity. Thermodynamic and kinetic aspects.
Examples of industrialisation of products, processes, materials.
Laboratory of industrial chemical processes. Exercises: Hazop diagram of a bench- or continuous reactor; FTA for a primary accidental event related to Hazop. Laboratories: Development of catalysts, preparation of Keggin type heteropolyacids and Anderson. Development of a chemical process,acylation of anisole with acetic anhydride. Visit to a chemical plant.
Principi di Chimica Industriale - Ed. Zanichelli (Bologna). Editori: F. Cavani et al.2021
Teaching methods
Lectures; practical experience in lab and exercises.
In consideration of the types of activities and teaching methods adopted, the attendance of this training activity requires all students of Modules 1 and 2 to carry out e-learning [https://www.unibo.it/it/servizi-e -opportunities / health-and-assistance / health-and-safety / safety-and-health-in-places-of-study-and-internship] and participation in Module 3 of specific training on safety and health in study places . Information on dates and methods of attendance of Module 3 can be consulted in the specific section of the degree program website.
Practical exercises in the laboratory: experiments carried out by students in groups of 2/3, attendance of such experiences is compulsory in presence. To fulfill the attendance obligation, it is necessary to attend at least 50% of the practical experiences. Attendance will be ascertained by signing an attendance sheet.
Assessment methods
The exam is done through a final test, aimed at ascertaining the acquisition of the expected knowledge and skills. The final exam consists of an oral test, divided into two parts, and a report on activities carried out in the laboratory.
The first part consists of a discussion on the topics: Fundamentals of industrial chemistry. The risk analysis in chemical processes. Thermal run-away. The management of chemical processes: the effect of process parameters. Formulation in the chemical industry. Separation tecnologies. The outcome of this part accounts for the 50% of the final vote.
The second part consists of a discussion on the topics: Scale-up of chemical processes. Catalysis. Fundamentals of flow-sheet design. Economic analysis of chemical processes. Intellectual and industrial property. Industrialization of products, processes, materials. The outcome of this part contributes to the 35% of the final vote.
The report on the activity carried out in the laboratory, to be delivered by each group and normally required at least one week before the oral test taken by a member of that group, is determined by reference to accuracy in the description of applied experimental methodology, and fairness in the elaboration and discussion of the final result; the outcome contributes to the 15% of the final vote.
The final vote, out of thirty, is therefore the weighted average of the three contributions described above.
Teaching tools
Teachers use PowerPoint presentations that are made available to students. Handouts are provided relative to the experiences to be conducted in the laboratory.
Office hours
See the website of Fabrizio Cavani
See the website of Francesco Basile
See the website of Andrea Fasolini
See the website of Stefania Albonetti

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.