- Docente: Francesca Antonaros
- Credits: 1
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Forli
- Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery (cod. 5905)
from Mar 14, 2025 to May 28, 2025
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student has experienced the main methods of cell biology, general and molecular genetics applied to biomedical sciences. In particular, he knows the fields of application and the limits of the main techniques used in cell biology, with particular attention to cell cultures, biotechnologies and the use of transgenic animals. He has learned to recognize the elements of a gene in a real DNA sequence, is able to consult the main molecular gene banks available online, has performed a simple DNA extraction and has discussed the rationale for the method, can design an experiment of polymerase chain reaction to amplify DNA and can solve problems of hereditary transmission of Mendelian characters. He has learned to reconstruct the path that from the experimental data led to the construction of current basic knowledge in the biomedical field, to evaluate the methodological aspects of knowledge by taking a critical approach to study.
Course contents
Genetics and Cellular and Molecular Biology methods:
1. PubMed
2. Gene structure
3. Primer design and OMIM
4. Gene expression
5. DNA extraction from cell cultures
6. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
7. Restriction fragment lenght polymorfism (RFLP)
Protocols and scientific papers
Teaching methods
Lab activities and group discussion.
Safety training: three modules are requested
Modules 1 and 2: e-learning [https://www.unibo.it/it/servizi-e-opportunita/salute-e-assistenza/salute-e-sicurezza/sicurezza-e-salute-nei-luoghi-di-studio-e-tirocinio]
Module 3: please refer to the appropriate section on the web site of Medicine and Surgery schoolAssessment methods
Discussion at the and of the lab activity.
Mandatory presence at 60% of the laboratory course.Teaching tools
Slides, public databases, scientific papers.
Office hours
See the website of Francesca Antonaros