- Docente: Ira Vannini
- Credits: 4
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Primary Teacher Education (cod. 5711)
Learning outcomes
At the end of the Workshop, the student:
- will be able to apply what is addressed in the integrated course within a simulated learning environment;
- will be able to reflect critically in groups on the proposed themes.
Course contents
During the workshop the theme of educational planning, teaching and learning assessment will be actively and participatively addressed. In particular:
- Educational planning
- Individualized didactic planning and its main strategy: the didactic unit and its phases
- Evaluation of learning: docimological studies, measurement phase, functions and detection tools
- Formative assessment: characteristics, error approach and the role of formative feedback.
The reference books are those of the integrated course EDUCATIONAL PLANNING AND EVALUATION (C.I.).
References to different regulations are also important:
http://www.indicazioninazionali.it/documenti_Indicazioni_nazionali/indicazioni_nazionali_infanzia_primo_ciclo.pdf (Indicazioni Nazionali 2012)
- http://istruzioneer.it/2015/12/16/piano-triennale-dellofferta-formativa-proposta-materiali/ (indicazioni per la stesura del PTOF dell'USR Emilia-Romagna)
- http://istruzioneer.it/2017/03/08/certificazione-delle-competenze-nel-primo-ciclo-di-istruzione-prosecuzione-della-sperimentazione/ (Linee guida per la certificazione delle competenze)
-http://www.gazzettaufficiale.it/eli/id/2017/05/16/17G00070/sg (Decreto sulla valutazione e la certificazione delle competenze - Legge 107)
Per lo studio o approfondimento personale, si consiglia di anche :
- WEEDEN P., WINTER J., BROADFOOT P. (2009). Valutazione per l'apprendimento nella scuola. Trento: Erickson.
- MacBEATH J., McGLYNN A. (2006). Autovalutazione nella scuola. Trento: Erickson
Teaching methods
The School Design and Evaluation Laboratory is characterized by:
-the active-simulative approach from the first meeting, immediately asking students to take a participatory, cooperative attitude that is as close as possible to an idea of solid teacher professionalism;
- the applicative-operational approach that will require to experiment, with the guide of the conductor, the didactic planning in all its phases, connecting the practice to the theory;
- the use of case analysis to reflect practically on design and evaluation habits;
- the aptitude to create situations in which the student must argue his choices, actions or attitudes trying to draw on his theoretical-procedural or experiential background;
- the push to reflect on their own ongoing learning in a perspective of progressive construction of their design and assessment skills;
- continuous work connected on two levels: group and individual;- a unitary training proposal for all the Teaching Laboratories with the characteristics described so far, which will be able to diversify into educational strategies and mediators based on the specificities of the individual conductors
In Laboratory, students must participate with already consolidated basic knowledge, therefore a systematic study is recommended before and during the course.
Assessment methods
The workshop will have different assessment activities that will make up the final grade (expressed in thirtieths) that will refer to different products:
First assessment in itinere: argumentative text and oral interview on the contents of chapters 3 and 4 of "Teaching Quality". The single vote, the result of the evaluation of the argumentative text and the oral interview, will weigh 20% on the final grade of the laboratory (third laboratory meeting)
Second assessment: educational planning and didactic unit realized in group. The vote of these group products will weigh 40% on the final mark of the laboratory (to be delivered correct, after the feedback in itinere after the end of the laboratory).
Third assessment: individual construction of a formative evaluation moment and definition of the final balance sheet of one's own learning. The vote of these individual products will weigh 40% on the final mark of the laboratory (to be delivered after the end of the laboratory).
Lacking even one of these evaluation steps, it is not possible to obtain any vote for the laboratory.
Absence is allowed for 25% of the entire laboratory's hours, exceeding this threshold it is not possible to obtain any vote for the laboratory.
Attendance is therefore mandatory.
The final grade of the workshop will average with the grade obtained in the other two modules of the whole course.
Teaching tools
Path described and structured into the Moodle platform, within which you can access the materials related to each meeting.
Use of slides for theoretical explanations.
Analysis of concrete cases.
Simulations and role playing.
Is required student's active participation.
Office hours
See the website of Ira Vannini