- Docente: Francesca Valenti
- Credits: 4
- SSD: AGR/09
- Language: Italian
- Moduli: Francesca Valenti (Modulo 1) Mirko Maraldi (Modulo 2)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Safety And Quality In Animal Production (cod. 5728)
from Jan 14, 2025 to Feb 25, 2025
from Feb 25, 2025 to Apr 01, 2025
Learning outcomes
The students will acquire the knowledge on innovative technologies for a sustainable livestock farming. In particular, the course will focus on the automatization and informatization of animal management (precision livestock farming), the reduction of livestock environmental impact (with reference to Italian and European legislation), the slurry management and the production and use of renewable energy at farm level (with a focus on biogas plants for energy and biomethane production).
Course contents
Learning module 1:
- Sustainable development: Definition, evolution of the concept of sustainability. Key principles, objectives, regulations objectives. Livestock-environment interactions.
- Challenges of the livestock sector in sustainable development and its contribution to climate change: Environmental balances and climate change, animal health and welfare, climate and natural land use.
- Emissions and environmental impact of livestock systems, assessment methodologies and sustainable mitigation practices. Overview of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology: definition, potential use, benefits, and challenges. Principles and methods of Life Cycle Thinking and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The 4 common stages of LCA: i) Goal and Scope definition; ii) Life Cycle Inventory Analysis; iii) Life Cycle Impact Assessment; iv) Interpretation. Examples of LCA studie s applied in livestock farming.
Learning module 2:
Systems and technologies to increase livestock farming sustainability:
- Technologies for automated barn systems and precision livestock farming;
- Biogas plants: anaerobic digestion process, technologies for livestock manure management and valorisation;
- Agrivoltaic and modern photovoltaic systems
- Dispense dei docenti
- Allevamento animale e sostenibilità ambientale: i principi, Vol. 1, Franco Angeli ed., 2018
- Allevamento animale e sostenibilità ambientale: le tecnologie, Vol. 2, Franco Angeli ed., 2018
- Gian Luca Baldo, Massimo Marino, Stefano Rossi. Analisi del ciclo di vita LCA- Gli strumenti per la progettazione sostenibile di materiali, prodotti e processi. Manuali di progettazione sostenibile - Edizioni Ambiente 2008 - ISBN 9788889014820
- Calamari L., Bertoni G., Model to evaluate welfare in dairy cow farms. Ital. J. Anim. Sci. 2009, 8, 301-323.
- EFSA, Scientific report on the effects of farming systems on dairy cow welfare and disease. Report of the Panel on Animal Health and Welfare. Annex to the EFSA J. 2009, 1143:1-38
- Arthur Wellinger, Jerry Murphy, David Baxter, The biogas handbook: science, production and applications. Woodhead Publishing, 2013
- AA.VV. Precision livestock farming applications. Making sense of sensors to support farm management Edited by Ilan Halachmi Wageningen Academic Publishers.
- A. Guidobono Cavalchini, La mungitura. Tecnologie, scelta e gestione degli impianti, Edagricole, 2010
- Materiale integrativo di approfondimento (facoltativo), in parte legato all'attualità.
Teaching methods
Lectures in class.
During the course technical visits and/or seminars will be planned and will be held by experts.
Assessment methods
The assessment of learning takes place solely through the final exam, which verifies the acquisition of the expected knowledge and skills through an oral test lasting approximately 30 minutes, without the aid of notes or books. The oral test consists of three questions for each module, covering the topics discussed during the course.
In Learning Module 1, students are afforded the opportunity to craft a presentation that delves into the topics covered throughout the course. Based on this presentation, questions will be asked.
The recording Teacher is Prof . Francesca Valenti.
The evaluation will be proportional to the student's ability to properly and critically argue the answers to the questions asked during the examination.The grading criterion for the mark will be, therefore, as far as possible, the following:
Preparation on a very limited number of topics covered in the course, and ability to analyse which emerges only with the help of the teacher, expression in a overall correct language: 18-19;
Preparation on a very limited number of topics covered in the course and ability to autonomously analyse only on purely executive issues, expression in correct language: 20-24;
Preparation on a large number of topics covered in the course, ability to make autonomous critical analysis, control of specific terminology: 25-29;
Substantially comprehensive preparation on the topics faced in the course, ability to make autonomous critical analysis and linking, full control of the specific terminology and ability to argue and self-reflect: 30-30L.
Teaching tools
Instruments and lab material, computer, videos, animal monitoring softwares.
Office hours
See the website of Francesca Valenti
See the website of Mirko Maraldi

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.