PhDs and Professional Masters programmes, Specialisations and advanced training

Explore different opportunities to enrich your educational curriculum or embark on a specialised pathway.

PhD Programmes

A PhD equips you with the necessary skills for highly qualified research activities.

Professional Master's Programmes

Opting for a Professional Master’s Programme after completing a First or Second Cycle Degree, involves the ongoing pursuit of further scientific and higher education on a permanent and recurring basis.

Specialisation Schools

After completing your Master's Degree Programme, consider a Specialisation Programme to acquire specific knowledge and skills needed for various professions.

Post-graduate Vocational Training Programmes

Tailored for those who have already initiated their own professional career, our courses offer opportunities to update knowledge and acquire new skills to navigate the complexities of the professional world.

Summer and Winter Schools

Explore international courses, ranging from one to four weeks, designed for students or recent graduates and, in some cases, specific professional figures.

Teacher Training

Courses designed for those aspiring to teach in pre-school, primary, and secondary schools or for those seeking to update their skills.

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