Financial Support for Healthcare Expenses for Non-Resident Students
A new call for applications is now online for non-resident students (fuori sede) enrolled in PhD Programmes and Specialization Schools. The University of Bologna has allocated a fund of €40,000 for this initiative.
The contributions will be as follows:
- €1,000 for non-EU citizens;
- €500 for Italian or EU citizens.
To apply for this funding, you must submit your application through Studenti Online by 3:00 PM on 30 April 2025.
Previously, the University of Bologna had allocated a fund of €409,500 to provide financial support for the healthcare expenses of non-resident students (fuori sede) enrolled in first cycle, second cycle, and single cycle degree programmes for the 2024/25 academic year. The call for applications closed on 30 January 2025.
Healthcare for international students
Information for students with European Union citizenship (EU students) and students with non-European Union citizenship (non-EU students) on how to access health care and how to voluntarily register with the Italian National Health Service as a student.
Please refer to the information on the page Medical assistance for international students.
What to do in case you need medical care
- Guardia medica (Continuing Care Service): si trova preso l’ Ospedale Morgagni – Pierantoni, in Via Carlo Forlanini, 34. Apertura al pubblico 24 ore su 24 - informazioni 0543 735801 Servizio di continuità assistenziale (guardia medica) di Forlì - AUSL Romagna
- Accident and Emergency: Morgagni - Pierantoni Hospital, Via Carlo Forlanini 34, switchboard tel. 0543 731111. Take bus route no. 2 from p.le della Vittoria.
Ospedale "G.B. Morgagni - L. Pierantoni" di Forlì - AUSL Romagna - Booking specialist appointments: the telephone booking system allows users to book a wide range of specialist services, both via the CUP (with a GP's prescription) tel. 800002255 and private practice tel. 800004488 .
- To change your GP: Scelta medico di base e pediatra di libera scelta - AUSL Romagna
Italian Emergency telephone numbers
- 112 - European Emergency Number
- 113 - Emergency Police Help Number
- 115 - Fire Department
- 118 - Medical Emergency