Certificates, self-certifications online and Diploma Supplement

All the information you need to request for exam and qualification certificates quickly and easily.

Certificates online

By accessing Studenti Online you can obtain certificates concerning your exams and qualifications.
The online certificates are signed digitally by the university, which guarantees their integrity and authenticity.
You can access the service using a SPID digital identity, CIE, or your Unibo username and password.
Consult the list of types of certificates this service can provide.

Any certificates that are not available online can be requested at your Student Administration Office by filling in the certificate request form [.pdf 332 KB]. In the form you must indicate the reason for your request and apply a duty stamp if necessary.
You can deliver the form in person at the Student Administration Office, or delegate a third party who will have to show a written mandate (no stamp duty required) signed by you and a photocopy of your valid ID when delivering the filled-in form on your behalf.
Alternatively, you may send the form to the Student Administration Office via e-mail, using your University email account (name.surname@studio.unibo.it). If you use your personal e-mail account, you must attach a copy of a valid ID.

Self-certifications online

By accessing Studenti Online you can print the pre-completed form for self-certification of the data concerning your university studies, using the online self-certification service.

Specific information for PhD students

For more information, please go to Certifications and degree certificates for PhD graduates.

Specific information for specialists

For further information about certificates for specialists of Medical Specialization Schools, please see Certificates and self-certifications.

For further information about certificates for specialists of Cultural Heritage, Psychology, Veterinary, Health, and Law Specialization Schools, please see Certificates and self-certifications.

Diploma Supplement

For degree programmes under the reformed system (Ministerial Decrees 509/99 and 270/04), the University of Bologna issues a diploma supplement in addition to the certificate awarded for each degree, indicating details of the curriculum, drafted in accordance with the templates adopted by European countries.
Graduates on programmes for which the Diploma Supplement is issued can print the document by connecting to Studenti Online.
In the event that this may not be possible, the diploma supplement can be obtained by applying to the Student Administration Office for the Degree Programme in question.


Certificate request form [.pdf 332 KB]

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