Incoming exchange students @unibo

If you want to add an international dimension to your educational path by spending a mobility period abroad, the University of Bologna is pleased to welcome you. The University of Bologna takes part in many exchange programmes giving students from all over the world the opportunity to follow part of their educational programme at the University of Bologna.

General info

Learning activities

Lectures and exams are in presence and mobility must be carried out on site. Only some special projects, for example Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programmes, may include remote activities.

When looking for learning activities to carry out, pay close attention to the rules for choosing course units.

Accommodation in Bologna

Students encounter very high difficulties in finding accommodation in Bologna, due to the high tourist flows. It is strongly not recommended to arrive in Bologna without having already found accommodation for the mobility period.

The five Campuses of the University of Bologna

If your mobility period is based on a Campus other than Bologna, find out more about CesenaForlìRavenna and Rimini Campuses.   


ContactsContacts for exchange students

The offices to contact according to your needs.


Getting readyGetting ready

What to do to carry out a mobility period at the University of Bologna.


During the mobilityDuring the mobility

How to find your way in a new university. The main steps to take, to make the most of your mobility period at the University of Bologna.


At the end of the mobilityAt the end of the mobility

What to do to end your mobility period at the University of Bologna.


Other mobility programmesOther mobility programmes

Information about some specific mobility programmes.

The University of Bologna takes part in some special mobility programmes which may provide students with tailored services and may be subject to special rules.


partner universitiesPartner universities

The main information for partner universities wishing to send exchange students to carry out a mobility period at the University of Bologna.

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