Exchange students @unibo: Visiting Students (first and second cycle)

Specific rules for Visiting Students.

First and Second Cycle students, spending a mobility period at the University of Bologna as Visiting Students, need to be accepted by a professor who will tutor their activities. They are hosted in Departments.

To be hosted  as Visiting student you shall:

  • obtain an invitation letter signed by the tutoring professor;

  • upon receipt of the Acceptance message, complete your online registration;

  • on arrival, Check-in at the Exchange Students Desk or the International Relations Office at your Campus.

It is advisable to agree your work plan with the tutoring professor in advance. As a Visiting Student you are not allowed to sit exams and gain credits. On Check-out you only get your Certificate of Attendance. If you need a certification of your activities, this is issued by the tutoring professor on headed paper or on forms provided by your home university.

These rules do not apply to Visiting Third Cycle Students (Visiting PhD).

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