Exchange students @unibo: Transcript of Records and Certificate of Attendance

Information on the final documents of your mobility at the University of Bologna.

The Transcript of Records is issued at the end of your mobility period both in Italian and English. It shows your personal data, the start and end dates of every single mobility parts carried out on-site or remotely (virtual) and recorded according to the instructions provided, the list of exams and internships you have done, along with the exam dates, credits (CFU and ECTS) and marks obtained.

The grades are expressed in the Italian scale out of thirty and are converted into the ECTS scale. Please remember that the “Idoneo”/”Pass” can never be transformed into a numerical grade.

The Transcript also contains an explanation of the Italian grading system and provides the “ECTS grading tables”.

These tables allow the universities of the European Higher Education Area, which have adopted the ECTS system, to convert Italian grades into local grades.

The ECTS scale and relative tables cannot be used to convert grades by non-European universities which have not adopted the ECTS system.

The Transcript is issued in digital format, provided with digital signature and stamp, in compliance with EU Regulation 910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in European Single Market (eIDAS) and, according to Italian law, has the same legal value as the traditional paper transcript.

The Certificate of Attendance shows the start and end dates of every single mobility parts which are carried out on-site or remotely (virtual) and recorded according to the instructions provided. The Certificate of Attendance is also issued in digital format provided with digital signature and stamp.

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