Course Units
As an exchange student, you can choose course units from different Degree Programmes.
Look up in the course unit catalogue and use the filters to select the Area, Campus, Type and Language.
The catalogue for the following academic year is published online in June.
When choosing the course units you must pay attention to:
the rules and constraints of your exchange programme: for instance, exchange students within the Erasmus+ programme can choose course units of the subject area of the exchange programme in which they were selected and must have a Learning Agreement consistent with it;
the number of places available: some programmes have a limited number of places;
the excluded subject areas: some non-Erasmus+ mobility agreements do not allow the choice of course units in some subject areas. When choosing your destination check the excluded subject areas at your university;
the Campus: check the Campus you have been assigned to and choose the course units delivered at your Campus;
the level of teaching: except for some exclusions, you can choose course units from First cycle (L, undergraduate) and Second cycle (LM, graduate) programmes, but you must carefully assess whether your own general knowledge is suitable for the level of the course unit you wish to attend.
If you are interested in Transferable skills, find out the rules and procedures for admissions.
Always contact the International mobility offices to check the actual availability of the course units you have chosen. If you don't, even if you have attended lectures, you may not be allowed to take the exam and gain credits.
Please remember that you must agree on your choices with your university, as it will have to recognise the credits you obtain at the University of Bologna.
You cannot sit the final examination for graduation at the University of Bologna.
Teaching calendar and course timetable
There is no single date for starting the courses. Each Degree Programme has its own course and exam timetable. Lectures generally begin in September or shortly afterwards, and may be annual, six monthly or divided into several sessions. The course timetables are set yearly, just before the start of the programmes and they are published in the course units pages starting from July.
One Italian credit (CFU, Credito Formativo Universitario) equals one ECTS credit. Credits are obtained exclusively on passing an exam or internship.
Guidance and welcome sessions, information about teaching
The international mobility and Campuses’ International relations offices support exchange students for academic issues, organize guidance and welcome events and provide informative material to help exchange students in their choices regarding teaching.
Bologna Campus
Exchange students on Bologna Campus can participate in welcome sessions to learn more about the procedures to be followed and the services offered by the University of Bologna.
There are no sessions available for the second semester of the 2024-25 a.y.
Information about teaching
- Agricultural and Food Sciences
Economics, management and statistics
Information, that is the same for all incoming exchange students, is available on each degree programme website, for example Economics, management and statistics -
Exchange students @EDU
- Engineering and Architecture
Information is available on each degree programme website: Admission, Guidance section > Incoming Exchange Students
Welcome day: 14 February 2025, 9:30-12:00
Viale del Risorgimento 2, Bologna
aula 2.7 B, second floor
The meeting will also be available online - Languages and literatures
Exchange students@LILEC
Students are invited to choose at least one course unit from the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures. When looking up the course unit catalogue, please select the Area: “Languages, and Literatures, Interpreting and Translation” and “Bologna” Campus, then choose at least one course unit in this field of study.
- Law
Welcome Meeting: 21 February 2025, 11:00-13:00
aula Magna n. 10, via Zamboni 22, Bologna
The meeting will also be available online -
Medicine and Surgery (in Italian)
Studenti di scambio @Medicina e Chirurgia -
Medicine and Surgery (in English)
Exchange students @Medicine and Surgery
- Political Sciences
Information, that is the same for all incoming exchange students, is available on each degree programme website, for example Political, Social and International Science - Sciences
Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences
Exchange students @BIGeA
Exchange students @MAT
Rimini Campus
Incoming students info sheet [.pdf 609 KB]
Safety in study areas and training courses
Before attending the facilities of the University of Bologna it is important to read the information relating to risks, correct behaviour and emergency management in the university’s main places of study, work and research.
Furthermore, if during your mobility period at the University of Bologna you attend laboratories (even only IT laboratories), workshops, operating theatres, experimental fields, archaeological digs, geological fieldwork, and any other workplace with specific risks for study and research purposes, you will have to take specific safety courses (module 1, module 2 and module 3)
Modules 1 and 2 are delivered via e-learning (also in English).
You can attend the courses even before your arrival at the University of Bologna. To access the courses, you have to use your credentials.
Consult the section "Teaching methods" in the course unit pages for detailed information, where available, on the safety training required to attend lectures.
For information on module 3 you may also:
- Check whether your study plan at the University of Bologna includes laboratory activities and the degree programme to which these activities belong.
- Check the relevant degree programme site: in the studying section, search for teaching activities and "Safety course" (or similar indications), to find out if you have to attend the safety courses, the class schedule, how to register, and the offices to contact if you need clarification.
Find out more
- Incoming exchange students @unibo Published