Exchange students @unibo: badge, Start of Mobility / Arrival Certificate, Tax Code

Useful information on the university badge, initial documents and the Italian tax code: how to get them and what they are for.

Your university badge is an ID card with a photo that confirms your student status at the University of Bologna. It is needed to access the libraries, the laboratories and the washrooms. It can also be used to obtain discounts at the cinema, book loans from libraries, and access to the university canteens.

The Start of Mobility / Arrival Certificate is the official confirmation of the date of your arrival or of the start of your remote (virtual) mobility.

Important: You must send the Start of Mobility / Arrival Certificate to your home university.

If you lose any documents received on your arrival or they are stolen, contact the Exchange Student Desk or the International Relations Office of your Campus for a copy. In the case of theft or loss of the badge it is advisable to report to the police. Find out how to obtain a duplicate of the badge.

Read the information on how to request the Italian tax code.

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