Exchange students @unibo and info for partner universities: student nominations

Instructions for notifying the lists of students who will carry out a mobility at the University of Bologna.

Student mobility is governed by agreements in force between the University of Bologna and universities abroad, up to a set number of places and for a set duration.

The University of Bologna only accepts nominations from the international relations offices of partner universities. Every year the University of Bologna sends to the international relations offices of the partner universities an e-mail, containing the link to the application to online upload nominations. After the partner university has entered the nominations, they are controlled and validated by the University of Bologna. Following the validation of their nomination, students receive via e-mail instructions to register online.

Only if the online upload is not available, nominations must be sent to:

The nominations by e-mail must include the students' personal data, the e-mail address and the ISCED code (for Erasmus +) or field of study (for other mobility programmes). If the mobility takes place within a multiple or joint programme, this degree programme must also be indicated in the nomination.

Nominations must be received by July 1st for students arriving in the first semester and by December 1st for students arriving in the second semester.

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