Exchange students @unibo and info for partner universities: documents issued for the mobility period

Information on the initial and final documents issued to students carrying out a mobility at the University of Bologna.

The University of Bologna issues to students and sends to their home universities:

  • the Certificate of Arrival which shows the start date of the mobility, recorded according to the instructions provided;
  • the Certificate of Attendance which shows the start and end dates of the mobility, recorded according to the instructions provided;
  • the Transcript of Records which shows the student's personal data, the start and end dates of the mobility, recorded according to the instructions provided, the list of exams and internships, along with the exam dates, credits (CFU and ECTS) and marks obtained.

Certificates and Transcripts are digital documents with a digital stamp, which contains the document and the digital signature and which certifies its integrity and authenticity. Their format complies with EU Regulation no. 910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in European Single Market (eIDAS) and, according to Italian law, has the same legal value as the traditional paper certificates.

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