Qualifying vocational degree programmes

The distinctive features of vocational degree programmes and what the University of Bologna has to offer.

What is a qualifying vocational degree programme?

A vocational degree programme is a degree in which classroom training is accompanied by laboratory training and an internship in a company. Indeed, the course structure provides for one third of the programme to take place in workshops, while another third will consist of internships carried out in companies that have contributed to shaping the professional profile of future graduates or recognize the correspondence of this profile to the company's needs.

The qualification obtained directly qualifies for the profession, after passing a practical exam preceding the final exam, replacing the previous State exam, simplifying procedures, and thus speeding up access to the job market.

The programmes are the result of partnerships between universities, local authorities, and local businesses, and designed to train professionals who, due to their specific skills, can find a coherent and satisfactory employment outlet, especially in the Emilia-Romagna Region’s economic system.

What sets them from apart other degree programmes?

Vocational degree programmes offer a different path and method of study from traditional degree programmes: about one third of credits are obtained through classroom lectures, one third from activities in laboratories, and one third from training directly in companies. The programmes stem from fruitful and ongoing dialogue with local businesses and aim to facilitate rapid employment of graduates in the Region's production system, and beyond. Professionals from the industrial sector work alongside university professors in teaching more professional-oriented content.

At the end of the three years, you will already be able to go straight into the world of work.

These programmes, therefore, find their natural outlet in the world of work and not in subsequent cycles of studies. If, however, following graduation you decide to continue your studies with a Master's degree, you can do so by completing certain supplementary activities.

What is needed to register for vocational degree programmes

Admission for the academic year 2024/25 occurs exclusively through an online interview. It's an oral exam aimed at assessing the main skills required by the degree programme. Therefore, taking the TOLC (Test Online CISIA) is not necessary for admission.

Check the interview dates and details on how to enrol on the website of the degree programme you're interested in.

What vocational degree programmes are offered by the University of Bologna

Programmes will run only following the completion of the established ministerial procedure.

The active programmes for academic year 2024/25 are:

First Cycle degree in Mechatronics

Qualifies for the profession of graduate industrial expert.

Website of the degree programme in Mechatronics

First Cycle degree in Chemical Methodologies for Products and Processes

Qualifies for the profession of graduate industrial expert.

Website of the degree programme in Chemical Methods for Products and Processes

First Cycle degree in Building and Land Use Techniques

Qualifies for the profession of graduate surveyor, and graduate industrial and construction expert.

Website of the degree programme in Building and Land Use Techniques

First Cycle degree in Information Systems Technology

Qualifies for the profession of graduate industrial expert.

Website of the degree programme in Information Systems Technology

First Cycle degree/bachelor in Polymeric composite materials

Qualifies for the profession of graduate industrial expert.

Website of the degree programme in Polymeric composite

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