Enrolled students
A Curricular Internship allows you to gain practical experience companies, institutions, or university structures, including those of the University of Bologna, to enhance your education and make your first contact with the world of work.
A Final Examination Internship is a curricular internship, usually undertaken for the purpose of preparing the dissertation for second cycle degree programmes, and is defined on the basis of a project agreed with your supervisor.
A Practical Evaluation Internship (TPV) is only foreseen in vocational degree programmes and in degree programmes related to certain professions (e.g. Pharmacy, Psychology, Medicine and Surgery, etc.).
Some things to know
You can do an internship in Italy or abroad.
It can be compulsory or optional, but in any case, it must be included in your study plan before submitting your application.
The internship cannot take place in companies where the persons in charge (partners, managers, legal representatives) are your relatives up to the second degree.
Consult the internships page of your degree programme to find out
What types of internships are available: curricular internships, final examination internships, practical evaluation internships.
Whether it is compulsory or optional.
How many credits (CFUs) are awarded.
When you can apply.
- You must complete the safety course before applying for an internship: General Training - Module 1 and Specific Low Risk Training - Module 2.
See the Compulsory Health and Safety Training page for your degree programme. The host will check the training you have received and, if necessary, supplement it according to the specific risk.
You will find all the information you need to activate your internship on the Internships page of your degree programme, in the Studying section.
You will find specific information on the type of internship, activation period, duration and any prerequisites (e.g. minimum number of CFUs registered, exams passed). You will also find useful information about offers from companies and institutions, how to send your application and what to do if you have already agreed an activity with an institution or company.
See the Internships pages on your degree programme website
You can do an internship abroad by choosing from one of the following options
Participate in a mobility programme: check the programme pages to find out if there are any open calls and what documents are required: Erasmus+ Mobility for traineeship
Find a company or institution abroad: if you choose this route, the procedure is the same as for an internship in Italy.
If you are about to graduate and would like to do an internship abroad after graduation, apply to the call: Erasmus+ Mobility for traineeship
You are about to graduate have a degree
The extra-curricular internship, also known as training and guidance internship, is an internship that is not linked to university education, takes place in Italy and is activated through authorised promotion bodies.
Please note: the University of Bologna does not act as a promoter of extra-curricular internships.
In Emilia-Romagna you can do an internship even if you do not have a first cycle degree, for more details see the Emilia-Romagna Region website
If you want to do the internship in a region other than Emilia-Romagna, please consult the specific regulations on the website of the region where the internship will take place.
If you are a graduate of the University of Bologna, you can search for extracurricular internships offered by companies or institutions and apply through the Online Internship Service
However, in order to activate the internship, you must contact the promoters authorised by the region where the internship will take place.
For post-graduate internships abroad, the rules of the host country apply. The relationship is usually direct between the intern and the host company.
If you are about to graduate and would like to do a post-graduate internship abroad with the support of the University, you should apply for the call: Erasmus+ Mobility for Traineeships
A paid training opportunity that will give you an insight into the workings of a large and highly complex public organisation such as our University.
To be considered for the internship you must apply to the call for applications.
To find out how to do this, visit the page and check if there are any active calls for applications
You are a company or an organisation
An internship is a flexible tool for training people who may work with you in the future as well as an essential experience for university students entering the world of work. It makes it possible to use the knowledge acquired at university to acquire new skills in the field.
How to work with us by offering an internship
You can post an internship offer for university students.
You can offer a Practical Evaluation Internship (TPV) as part of a vocational or professional degree programmes (e.g. Pharmacy, Psychology, Medicine and Surgery, etc.) according to the specific regulations and methods of each degree programme
Activating an internship does not involve any costs for the company, but the company may offer the intern an allowance or reimbursement of expenses.
Please contact our offices for more information.
Insurance cover
The University of Bologna provides accident and third-party liability insurance cover for students during the approved internship period and who are indicated in the attendance register.
For further information on what is covered, please visit the insurance services page.
We create value
If you are interested in other forms of collaboration with the University of Bologna, there are many ways in which we can work together to create opportunities for innovation and value.
In order to be able to host interns and publish internship opportunities on the dedicated platform, an agreement must be signed with the University.
A Curricular Internship Agreement usually lasts for five years, is free of charge for the host and allows students from any degree programme to be placed in internships.
It is not possible to host trainees who are relatives, up to the second degree, of the persons in charge (partners, managers, legal representatives).
The Online internship service for companies is the platform where you can carry out the entire activation procedure, enter offers, monitor ongoing and completed internships, download documentation, and carry out final evaluations.
In order for the person you are hosting to carry out their internship correctly, you must check and, if necessary, integrate their Occupational Health and Safety Training.
Before accepting the person for the internship, make sure that they have already downloaded the attendance register from the University internship platform, which certifies that they are authorised to carry out the activities.
Getting started
Register and sign the internship agreement by connecting to the Online Internship Service for Companies
Once the agreement has been signed, you can make a curricular internship offer: the offer can be dedicated to one or more study courses or ad personam, if the person to be hosted in the internship has already been identified.
What you need to know before hosting an intern:
Health and Safety Training
In accordance with current legislation you must check and, if necessary, supplement the student’s Occupational Health and Safety Training.
The University provides a specific e-learning safety training course: General Training - Module 1 and Specific low risk training - Module 2.
Attendance register
Before accepting the person for the internship, make sure that they have already downloaded the attendance register from the University internship platform, which certifies that they are authorised to carry out the activities.
Duration of the internship
The length of an individual internship is determined by the number of educational credits required by the Degree Programme in which the student is enrolled (1 CFU is normally equivalent to 25 hours) and can be completed within the time frame indicated in the attendance register.
Insurance cover and travel
The University of Bologna provides accident and third-party liability insurance cover only for the period of time approved and indicated in the attendance register. In order to obtain extended insurance cover in the event of travel to places or facilities not indicated in the approved internship programme, such travel must be notified in advance, at least two working days in advance, to the Internship Office and to the academic tutor, who must authorise it.
At the end of the internship
Once the total number of hours for the internship has been reached, the tutor of the host organisation must:
Sign the attendance register to certify the internship hours completed by the student and issue any other documentation required by the student's degree programme.
Complete the end-of-training questionnaire.
Practical Evaluation Internships (TPV) are designed to prepare candidates for the Practical Evaluation Test, a prerequisite for entering certain professions.
If you’re a company or organization looking to host a Practical Evaluation Internship (TPV)
You can do so within degree programmes that lead to professional qualifications or are required for certain careers (e.g., Pharmacy, Psychology, Medicine and Surgery, etc.). The specific requirements and procedures vary depending on the programme and relevant regulations.
Find more information on TPVs in each degree programme page:
An extracurricular internship, also known as a training or orientation internship, is a work experience separate from university coursework. These internships take place in Italy and must be activated through authorized promoters in the region where the internship is held.
The University of Bologna no longer acts as a promoter for extracurricular internships.
If you’ve previously hosted curricular interns through the University of Bologna, you can still post an extracurricular internship offer on the Online Internship Service. However, you’ll need to work with a regionally authorized promoter to activate it. For more details on extracurricular internships in Emilia-Romagna, visit the Emilia-Romagna Region website.
Contact details
Degree Programmes in Law
e-mail: giuri.tirocini@unibo.it, Tel: +39 051 2084020
Degree Programmes in Sociology
e-mail: arin.tirocinisociologia@unibo.it, Tel: +39 051 2084020
Degree Programmes in Economics and Management
e-mail: ems.bo.serviziotirocini@unibo.it, Tel: +39 051 2084030
Degree Programmes in Political Sciences
e-mail: spbo.tirocini@unibo.it, Tel: +39 051 2084040
The Telephone Helpdesk is open on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 10 - 12
Via Filippo Re 8, 40126 Bologna
Degree Programmes in Science
e-mail: scienze.tirocini@unibo.it, Tel: +39 051 2084060
Degree Programmes in Pharmacy, Biotechnology and Motor Sciences
email: farbiomot.tirocinio@unibo.it, Tel: +39 051 2084060
The Telephone Helpdesk is open on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 10 - 12
Via Filippo Re 8, 40126 Bologna
Degree Programmes in Engineering and Architecture
e-mail: ingarc.tirocini.bo@unibo.it, Tel: +39 051 2084070
The Telephone Helpdesk is open on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 10 - 12
Viale Risorgimento 2, 40136 Bologna
Degree Programmes in the Humanities
e-mail: arin.tirocinilettere@unibo.it, Tel: +39 051 2084000
Languages Degree Programmes
e-mail: arin.tirocinilingue@unibo.it, Tel: +39 051 2084000
Degree Programmes in Education Studies
e-mail: arin.tirociniformazione@unibo.it, Tel: +39 051 2084000
The Telephone Helpdesk is open on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 10 - 12
Via Filippo Re 10, 40126 Bologna
Contacts for the activation of the internship and the agreement for the following courses:
Degree Programmes in Agricultural and Food Sciences - DISTAL
e-mail: distal.tirocini.bo@unibo.it
Viale Giuseppe Fanin 40-50, 40127 Bologna
Degree Programmes in Veterinary Medical Sciences- DIMEVET
e-mail: tirocinio.vet@unibo.it, Tel: +39 051 2097983
Via Tolara di Sopra 50, 40064 - Ozzano dell' Emilia (BO)
You can request an MS Teams appointment by e-mail.
e-mail: convenzioni.tirocini@unibo.it, Tel: +39 0512084000, +39 0512084088
Via Filippo Re 10, 40126 Bologna
The Telephone Helpdesk is open on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 10 - 12
You can request an MS Teams appointment by e-mail with all internship offices on the Bologna Campus.
e-mail: campuscesena.tirocini@unibo.it
Student helpline: +39 0547 338914, from Monday to Thursday: 11.00 - 12.00
Helpline for businesses: + 39 0547 338887, from Monday to Thursday: 9.00 - 12.00
Via Montalti 69, 47521 Cesena
e-mail: acfo.tirocini@unibo.it
Tel: +39 0543 374135
The Telephone Helpdesk is open on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: 11.00 - 13.00
Padiglione Melandri - Ground Floor - Piazzale Solieri 1, 47121 Forlì
e-mail: campusravenna.tirocini@unibo.it
Tel: +39 0544 936959; +39 0544 936286; +39 0544 937502
The telephone desk is open on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: 9.00 - 12.00 Tuesday and Thursday: 14.00 - 15.00
Via Baccarini 27, 48121 Ravenna
e-mail: campusrimini.tirocini@unibo.it
Switchboard: +39 0541 434248
contact for Social Educator: +39 0541 434351
contact for Economics and Chemistry: +39 0541 434226
contact for Fashion, Sport and Physical Science, Statistics: +39 0541 434227
contact for Pharmacy and Human Nutrition: +39 0541 434247
The Telephone Helpdesk is open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 9.00 - 11.15
Via Cattaneo 17, 47921 Rimini
You can request an MS Teams appointment by sending an e-mail to any of the Internship Offices on campus