"Avrò cura di te": psychological support for parents

The service provides psychological support for parents of pre-school/school age children and adolescents. It is a service of the Department of Psychology "Renzo Canestrari".

Service recipients

The service is open to the entire community of the University of Bologna.

Services offered

The service consists of meetings focusing on:

  • supporting parents in developing the autonomy of pre-school age children (eating, toilet training, sleeping, tantrum management, introduction to the education/school system).
    Between 1 and 7 assessment and psychological support meetings with parents and/or with parents/children on the specific topics requested.
  • supporting parents for a conscious use of technology, to promote positive relational competencies among peers, and prevent bullying and cyberbullying.
    Between 1 and 5 psychological support meetings with parents and/or parents/children on the specific topics requested.

More information on the "Renzo Canestrari" Department of Psychology website

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