Research organisation and infrastructure


The University of Bologna is organised to provide with its structures, committees, commissions and services effective support for the activities of its lecturers and assistant professors.

Research Support Services

  • Departments
    The University has 31 Departments, which are the main place for research and cover all areas of knowledge: Medical, Scientific, Social, Technological and Humanities.
  • Interdepartmental centres
    With an innovative and cross-sectoral approach, the Interdepartmental Centres of the Alma Mater combine laboratories and infrastructures with research groups belonging to different Departments, working together to tackle historical and emerging social challenges. 
  • Interdepartmental Centres for Industrial Research
    The Interdepartmental Centres for Industrial Research (CIRI), integrated in the Emilia-Romagna High Technology Network and in the regional Clust-ERs, enhance research in relation to the industry on the main priorities of the regional Intelligent Specialisation Strategy.
  • Ethics committees
    The ethics committees include: the Bioethics Committee, which provides information and makes proposals on issues of bioethical importance; the Animal Welfare Committee, which sets the benchmark for the university on ethical issues concerning animals in research projects; the Independent Ethics Committee of the Area Vasta Emilia Centro (CE-AVEC), the Local Ethics Committee responsible for expressing an opinion on clinical trials involving humans.
  • University Research Evaluation Committee
    It is the collective body tasked with developing and updating the criteria for evaluating the research carried out by the University of Bologna.
  • University Equipment Commission
    The University Equipment Commission has the task of monitoring and coordinating activities related to research equipment and infrastructure at the University of Bologna.

Equipment, laboratories and research infrastructures

The University of Bologna has equipment, laboratories and infrastructures where knowledge is developed and innovation is born to support university research.


  • The laboratories of the University of Bologna
    The University’s research laboratories are places where research takes place and innovation comes to life: they are located in the departmental and interdepartmental facilities.
  • Joint laboratories
    Research laboratories integrating spaces and tools of the University of Bologna and its partners, to strengthen collaborations and enhance resources.
  • Research infrastructures
    Research infrastructures are instrumental resources (individual instruments or complex devices) used in the performance of scientific and technical activities. 

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