Una.Resin - Towards a common Una Europa RESearch and INnovation ecosystem

The EU-funded project for developing joint research and innovation strategies, sharing infrastructures and resources, and strengthening human capital, among the eight partner universities of the Una Europa Alliance.

Una.ResinFollowing the 1Europe project for developing and testing joint formats for education and mobility, Una.Resin  is the final step in the journey towards building the European University of the future, with pilot actions that will enable new forms of transnational and interdisciplinary collaboration to be tested, thus helping to build a common, open and inclusive ecosystem for research and innovation. About €2 million in funding over a 3-year period to:

  • pool expertise, infrastructure and research resources, developing shared strategies, priorities and agendas so that, together, we can tackle the greatest challenges facing our society;
  • develop research that prioritises excellence, well-being, integration and diversity;
  • develop systems that involve citizens and non-academic players in all stages of the research and innovation life cycle, according to the principles of open science;
  • work with other European university alliances towards achieving these goals.

Una Europa has launched the new project Una.Futura with which, building on the results of the completed 1Europe alliance projects and Una.Resin, which is nearing completion, it intends to pursue the full integration of the education, research and innovation dimensions of the alliance with a holistic approach. 

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