European rural areas embody outstanding examples of Cultural and Natural Heritage (CNH) that need not only to be safeguarded, but also promoted as a driver for competitiveness, sustainable and inclusive growth and development. RURITAGE establishes a new heritage-led rural regeneration paradigm able to turn rural areas in sustainable development demonstration laboratories, through the enhancement of their unique CNH potential. RURITAGE has identified 6 Systemic Innovation Areas (pilgrimages; sustainable local food production; migration; art and festivals; resilience; and integrated landscape management) which, integrated with cross-cutting themes, showcase heritage potential as a powerful engine for economic, social and environmental development of rural areas. The knowledge built in 14 Role Models (RMs) and digested within the project, will be transferred to 6 Replicators (Rs) across Europe. Through a multilevel and multidirectional process of knowledge transfer, RMs will mentor and support the Replicators in the development and implementation of their strategies and, at the same time, will further increase their knowledge and capacities. A robust monitoring system will assist this process. Local Rural Heritage Hubs, gathering stakeholders and civil society, will be settled in Rs to work as living labs where heritage-led rural regeneration strategies will be co-created and implemented, while in RMs they will reinforce the ownership of CNH. Both RMs and Rs will also benefit of the RURITAGE Resources Ecosystem, a set of tools including, among others, a rural landscape mapping tool (RURITAGE Atlas) and a Replication Toolbox within an online and interoperable platform. These tools will foster knowledge building, providing evidence and supporting replication and up-scaling activities of the implemented heritage-led regeneration strategies and plans, contributing to mainstream heritage in Regional, National, European and global policies.
Project details
Unibo Team Leader: Simona Tondelli
Unibo involved Department/s:
Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca Industriale su Edilizia e Costruzioni
ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - Università di Bologna(Italy)
Other Participants:
Apre Ag.Promoz.Ric.Europea C/O Murst
Kulturno Izobrazevalno Drustvo Kibla
Fundacion Cartif
AEICE Agrupación Empresarial Innovadora para la Construcción Eficiente
Agence De Cooperation Interregionale - Reseau Chemins De Saint-Jacques De Compostelle
Geo-Naturpark Bergstrasse-Odenwald
Panepistimio Kritis -University Of Crete
Emi Epitesugyi Minosegellenorzo Innovacios Nonprofit Kft
Almende B.V.
Izmir Buyuksehir Belediyesi
ARGE Geopark Karawanken-Karavanke
Westbic - Innovation And Management Centre Limited
Association Institutio Pro Educationem Transilvaniensis
Zavod za kulturo, turizem in promocijo Gornja Radgona
ICLEI European Secretariat GmbH
D.A.Re. soc. cons. a r.l.
Politecnico di TORINO
Norges Miljo-Og Biovitenskaplige Universitet
University Of Plymouth
(United Kingdom)
Ca Provence-Alpes-Agglomeration
Borghi Italia Tour Network S.R.L.
Natural History Museum of the Lesvos Petrified Forest
Katla Geopark
Crs - Stowarzyszenie Centrum Rozwiazan Systemowych
Izmir Institute of Technology
Federación Colombiana de Municipios
Comune di Appignano del Tronto
Consulta Europa Projects And Innovation Sl
Fundacion Santa Maria La Real Centro De Estudios Del Romanico
Fundacion Tecnalia Research & Innovation
De Surdurulebilir Enerji Ve Insaat Sanayi Ticaret Limited Sirketi
Savonia-Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy
Visegrád Város Önkormányzata
Direccion De Bibliotecas Archivos Y Museos
Judetul Harghita
Total Eu Contribution: Euro (EUR) 9.975.651,25
Project Duration in months: 48
Start Date:
End Date: