Horizon Europe@Unibo

The University of Bologna for Horizon Europe, the European research and innovation funding programme.

Horizon Europe@Unibo

The University of Bologna for Horizon Europe, the European research and innovation funding programme.

With a budget of €95.5 billion, Horizon Europe is the European Union's research and innovation funding programme for the period 2021 to 2027.

In order to seize this opportunity, the HorizonEurope@Unibo approach and accompaniment plan was organised, aiming to promote and make the participation of the University's research teams more effective. 

The plan is to hold information meetings and produce supporting material dedicated to funding opportunities, programme structure, design techniques and the main innovations of previous European framework programmes, with in-depth discussions on Open Access and Open Data, impact, privacy and gender issues, citizen engagement, partnerships and missions.  

More information on how the University supports its research groups as part of Horizon Europe is available in the dedicated intranet section (login with University of Bologna credentials).

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