Horizon 2020 at the University of Bologna: commitment and successes

The commitment and results achieved by the University of Bologna in the Horizon 2020 European framework programme.

Horizon 2020

The European framework programme Horizon 2020 has made nearly EUR 80 billion of funding available for research and innovation in the European Union in the period 2014-2020, with the aim of achieving smart, sustainable and inclusive economic growth: scientific excellence, industrial leadership and societal challenges have been the programme's key points.

Thanks to its research teams, supporting staff and its network of relations with academia, the industry, civil society and the local area, the University of Bologna participated in Horizon 2020 and achieved significant results: more than 350 funded projects, over €148.8 million in European funding and a network of more than 2,700 partners.

University of Bologna's Horizon 2020 funded projects

Visit the page dedicated to the University of Bologna's Horizon 2020 funded projects

University supports to research groups 

More information on how the University supports its research groups as part of Horizon 2020 is available in the dedicated intranet section (login with University of Bologna credentials required).

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