Graphene-based Devices and Circuits for RF Applications.

GRADE is a three-year STREP proposal focused on advanced RTD activities necessary to demonstrate the proof-of-concept of novel graphene-based electronic devices operating at terahertz (THz) frequencies. We propose two different concepts with specific advantages. Graphene field effect transistors (GFET) use graphene as a high-mobility transistor channel. Alternative "graphene base transistors" (GBT) are novel hot-electron devices that use graphene sandwiched between two insulating layers, each in turn covered by a metal layer. Considering the unique high frequency characteristics of the GFET and the GBT, the consortium envisions innovative applications in communication, automotive, security and environmental monitoring. Low power wireless communication systems operating above 100Gbit/s or handheld portable THz sensor systems for detection of dangerous agents seem feasible with active devices operating in the THz regime. To be affordable for a broad range of consumers, THz devices must be scalable and integrated with silicon technology. GBTs and GFETs can fulfil this requirement. The proposed research enables the demonstration and assessment of these novel device concepts for future THz systems, and prepares their transition to semiconductor manufacturing.
To achieve these goals, GRADE unites a powerful consortium:
Four academic partners, two of them with a strong experimental background and excellent processing facilities, one focused on physics-based modelling and simulation and one specialized in compact modelling and circuit design.
One research institute, which provides a professionally run pilot production clean room, state of the art processing and an entry point for graphene into manufacturing.
One global semiconductor manufacturer willing to push their capabilities to enable the fabrication of integrated graphene RF circuits, including the integration on SiC and co-integration with pre-fabricated CMOS wafers.

Universitaet Siegen (Germany)

Other participants
Ihp Gmbh - Innovations For High Performance Microelectronics/Leibniz-Institut Fuer Innovative Mikroelektronik (Germany)
Infineon Technologies Ag (Germany)
Université Des Sciences Et Technologies De Lille - Lille I (France)
Université Bordeaux I  (France)
Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario Per La Nanoelettronica-IUNET (Italy), di cui sono "terze parti":
Università degli Studi di Pisa (Italy)
Università degli Studi di Udine (Italy)
- Centro di Ricerca sui Sistemi Elettronici per l'Ingegneria dell'Informazione e delle Telecomunicazioni "Ercole De Castro" - ARCES
- Resp. Scientifico: Prof. Giorgio Baccarani

Start date 01/10/2012
End date 30/09/2015
Duration 36 months
Project Reference 317839
Project cost 5.139.129 EURO
Project Funding 3.650.992 EURO
Subprogramme Area Very advanced nanoelectronic components: design, engineering, technology and manufacturability
Contract type Collaborative project

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