PDND: National Digital Data Platform

The National Digital Data Platform (PDND) facilitates the exchange of information between Public Administrations, improving efficiency and data interoperability.

Ragazza al pcNRRP Area of intervention: Mission 1 – Digitisation, innovation, competitiveness, culture and tourism

Component:  1 - Digitisation, innovation and security in the Public Administration

Investment: 1.3 Data and interoperability

Duration: the project will end in December 2025

Total project funding:  704.421,90 

Proposer: Department for Digital Transformation

A National Data Platform for interoperability between Public Administrations

The project of the Department for Digital Transformation, part of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, and of PagoPA S.p.A. enables the exchange of information between public bodies and the Public Administration and facilitates the interoperability of public databases and IT systems.
The investment aims to ensure the full interoperability of key datasets and services across central and local public administrations.
Specifically, the integration of universities into the platform ensures the interoperability of their IT systems and the sharing of the data, career and qualifications of those who attend university.
This will be achieved through a central catalogue of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) which allows for the sharing of information between central Public Administrations and universities.

The advantages of the National Digital Data Platform (PDND)

  • Administrative effectiveness: it will streamline information exchanges between Public Administrations, ensuring that both people and businesses provide their information only once (according to the once-only principle).
  • Interoperability and data security: it will serve as a secure and interconnected environment for public bodies, to facilitate data use with the data subject’s consent.
  • Development opportunities: it will foster the digitisation of companies, opening up new opportunities for growth through an efficient use of data and digital services.

Participation in the project

Bodies involved

The information about the bodies involved in the project and the trend of participation on a national level is updated on a daily basis. How many bodies are registered in the platform and what do they use it for? Explore data.

University of Bologna team

Contact person 

Enrico Lodolo

Working group

CESIA IT Systems and Services Division - Application and Database Management Unit

What services will the PDND be used for at the University of Bologna?

The University of Bologna participated in the call to join the project, and the Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are currently being developed.
The following interoperability services will be made available:

  • Programme catalogue browsing
  • Enrolled students
  • Qualifications
  • Enrolment data analysis

Find out more on the project website

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