NRRP Projects – Research Projects of National Interest PRIN

PRIN 2022

Through the “PRIN 2022” call for applications, published on 2 February 2022 (Director’s Decree 104/2022), the MUR will fund public research projects aiming to promote the national research system, strengthen collaboration between universities and research centres, in line with the NRRP goals, and encourage participation of Italy in the initiatives of the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.

The funds available under the PRIN 2022 call amount to approximately €740 million. At least 40% of these funds must be allocated to the South.

Some €220 million (30% of total funds) are reserved to projects submitted by Principal Investigators under 40 years of age at the date of publication of the call for applications.

The projects will be funded for a term of two years. The maximum contribution per project amounts to €250,000; at least two research units must be involved.

At the deadline, 7,817 project proposals had been submitted in total on a national level.

The University of Bologna’s PRIN 2022 projects

The programme is currently in the application evaluation stage.

By the application deadline (31/03/2022), the University of Bologna had submitted 990 projects in total, 382 of which as Principal Investigator (PI) and 608 as Local Supervisor (Responsabile Locale – RL).

As a whole, our University has applied for funds totalling €91,540,614.


Through the “NRRP PRIN 2022” call for applications, dated 14 September 2022 (Director’s Decree 1409/2022), the MUR will fund public research projects concerning one of the emerging strategic themes linked to the objectives of a cluster within the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation 2021-2027. The call for applications aims to promote the national research system, strengthen collaboration between universities and research centres, in line with the NRRP goals, and encourage participation of Italy in the initiatives of the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.

The programme is structured around two separate lines of intervention: line of intervention A “Main” and line of intervention B “South”.

The total budget available is €420 million. Having regard to line of intervention A “Main”, in which the University of Bologna is entitled to participate, total funding amounts to €168 million.

The projects will be funded for a term of two years. The maximum contribution per project amounts to €300,000. At least two research units must be involved.

At the deadline, 4,475 project proposals had been received on a national level.

The University of Bologna’s NRRP PRIN 2022 projects

The programme is currently in the application evaluation stage.

By the application deadline (30/11/2022), the University of Bologna had submitted 461 projects in total, 187 of which as Principal Investigator (PI) and 274 as Local Supervisor (Responsabile Locale – RL).

As a whole, our University has applied for funds totalling €54,461,415.


NRRP Projects – PhD programmes for digital and environmental transition

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