What is the NRRP, the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan
The National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) combines investments and reforms designed by the Italian government to overcome the economic and social effects of the pandemic crisis.
The Plan hinges upon three strategic axes, shared across the EU:
- Digitisation and innovation
- Ecological transition
- Social inclusion
The investments under the Plan are underpinned by three principles, also known as “cross priorities”:
- Youth: Guarantee access to childcare, improve the school system and reverse the country’s declining birth rate
- Gender equality: Ensure women and men have equal social and economic opportunities
- Reduce the gaps in standards of living: Realise the potential of the South and enhance local services to support the disabled and elderly.
Why should everyone care
Because of its impacts, recipients and topics, the NRRP concerns us all – from the student community to citizens in general, from businesses to public institutions.
Each one of us can be directly or indirectly affected by the actions that these projects are taking forward across the country, which will continue in the upcoming years.
Young generations are a key pillar of the Plan – hence its importance for the University. The NRRP strives to create opportunities in the present and open up future scenarios for them.
Thanks to the many synergies that have arisen and will arise across different organisations – institutions, businesses, universities – the Plan provides a unique opportunity and lays the foundation for a new way of designing joint strategies and collaborating as a network, a good practice that should be maintained in the future too.
Likewise, the innovative management and organisation methods that are being tested could well become the new standard for public administrations.
National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) Structure
The Plan is structured around six main areas of intervention (known as “missions”), which correspond to the six pillars of Next Generation EU:
- Mission 1 – Digitisation, innovation, competitiveness, culture and tourism
- Mission 2 – Green revolution and ecological transition
- Mission 3 – Infrastructure for sustainable mobility
- Mission 4 – Education and research
- Mission 5 – Inclusion and cohesion
- Mission 6 – Health
In turn, each mission is structured around components, i.e. areas of intervention that tackle specific challenges, and the investments and reforms to implement them.
Resources, monitoring and reporting
The European Union has allocated € 191.5 billion for the Italian NRRP. An additional € 30.6 billion have been allocated by Italy under the Complementary National Plan (CNP), totalling € 222.1 billion available for digital transition, ecological transition and the recovery of the South.
All actions must be completed by the end of June 2026 and meet the Do Not Significant Harm (DNSH) principle, meaning that they must not cause significant damage to the environment.
The Plan is centred on:
- Milestones, i.e. qualitative targets to be met through a given reform and/or investment, which identify the key stages for implementing them
- Targets, i.e. the expected results of actions, quantified by specifically defined measurable indicators.
They describe the progress and results of the reforms and investments to be implemented, the achievement of which is a prerequisite for the disbursement of payments from the EU.
What is the University of Bologna doing
The University of Bologna takes part in a number of initiatives across the various missions; as far as Mission 4 is concerned, we are the leading university in Italy for participation in the projects.
The University of Bologna is involved in the missions both as a direct recipient, for the implementation of teaching, research and third mission activities, and in cooperation with other recipients, for the performance of specific activities.
Below you can find the projects in which the University of Bologna is participating, categorized by keywords, along with the details of the PNRR missions and PNC investments it is involved in.
Projects the University of Bologna is carrying out by thematic area
- AGRITECH: National Center for Technology in Agriculture
Sustainable development of agri-food production, adaptation to climate change, reduction of environmental impact - ONFOODS: Research and innovation network on food and nutrition Sustainability, Safety and Security - Working on foods
Innovative solutions for sustainable, safe, and healthy food
- AGRITECH: National Center for Technology in Agriculture
Sustainable development of agri-food production, adaptation to climate change, reduction of environmental impact - NBFC: National Biodiversity Future Center
Preserving Italian and Mediterranean biodiversity in marine, terrestrial, wetland, and urban areas - ICSC: Centro Nazionale di ricerca in HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing
High-performance data simulations, calculations, and analysis - MOST: National Center for Sustainable Mobility
Towards a more sustainable and digital mobility system - NEST: Network for Energy Sustainable Technologies
Supporting technologies for the energy transition towards renewable resources and overcoming dependence on fossil fuels - RETURN: Multi-risk science for Resilient Communities under a changing climate
Strengthening research on environmental risks related to climate change - MICS: Made in Italy Circolare e Sostenibile
Promoting circular Made in Italy production in the clothing, furniture, and mechanical technology sectors - ECOSISTER: Ecosystem for Sustainable Transition in Emilia-Romagna
Technological innovation for environmental sustainability to companies in the region through scientific and industrial research - iENTRANCE@ENL: Infrastructure for ENergy TRAnsition aNd Circular Economy @EuroNanoLab
First Technological Research Infrastructure in Italy dedicated to research on energy transition - ECCSELLENT: Development of Eccsel-eric R.I. Italian Facilities to improve user Access, Services and ensure Long-term Sustainability
Internationalization of Italian research in the entire chain of CO2 capture, utilization, transport, and storage
Artificial Intelligence
- ICSC: National Research Centre for High Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing
High-performance data simulations, calculations, and analysis - FAIR: Future of Artificial Intelligence Research
Artificial Intelligence systems capable of interacting and collaborating with humans in both public and private sectors - CHANGES: Cultural Heritage Active Innovation for Sustainable Society
Technological and multidisciplinary development for training, research, and technology transfer for cultural heritage - SERICS: Security and Rights in the CyberSpace
Strategies and solutions in cybersecurity and data protection - GRINS: Growing Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable
Tools and data to guide decisions of Public Administrations, citizens' choices, and companies - MNESYS: Multiscale integrated approach to the study of the nervous system in health and disease
Approaches for experimental and clinical neuroscience for nervous system and behavioral disorders through precision medicine - RESTART: Research and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smart
Revitalizing the telecommunications sector - DARE National Complementary Plan
Healthcare and disease prevention through digital technology - SoBigData: Strenghtening the Italian Research Infrastructure for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics
Data analysis and social mining - BBMRI: Strengthening of the Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure of Italy
Improving the diagnosis of multifactorial diseases through the digitalization of Biobanks - MOST: National Center for Sustainable Mobility
Towards a more sustainable and digital mobility system - ECOSISTER: Ecosystem for Sustainable Transition in Emilia-Romagna
Technological innovation for environmental sustainability to companies in the region through scientific and industrial research - Elixir x NextGenerationIT: consolidamento dell’Infrastruttura Italiana per i Dati Omici e la Bioinformatica
Genomic data production for innovation in biotechnology, precision medicine, and pharmaceuticals - EDVANCE: Digital Education Hub Higher Education
The project aims to create a Digital Education Hub for the general population’s Advanced Digital Culture
Art and Culture
- CHANGES: Cultural Heritage Active Innovation for Sustainable Society
Technological and multidisciplinary development for training, research, and technology transfer for cultural heritage - MICS: Circular and sustainable Made in Italy
Promoting circular Made in Italy production in the clothing, furniture, and mechanical technology sectors - EDVANCE: Digital Education Hub Higher Education
The project aims to create a Digital Education Hub for the general population’s Advanced Digital Culture
Production Processes
- AGRITECH: National Center for Technology in Agriculture
Sustainable development of agri-food production, adaptation to climate change, reduction of environmental impact - MICS: Made in Italy Circolare e Sostenibile
Promoting circular Made in Italy production in the clothing, furniture, and mechanical technology sectors - MOST: National Center for Sustainable Mobility
Towards a more sustainable and digital mobility system - ECOSISTER: Ecosystem for Sustainable Transition in Emilia-Romagna
Technological innovation for environmental sustainability to companies in the region through scientific and industrial research - iENTRANCE@ENL: Infrastructure for ENergy TRAnsition aNd Circular Economy @EuroNanoLab
First Technological Research Infrastructure in Italy dedicated to research on energy transition - ECCSELLENT: Development of Eccsel-eric R.I. Italian Facilities to improve user Access, Services and ensure Long-term Sustainability
Internationalization of Italian research in the entire chain of CO2 capture, utilization, transport, and storage - RESTART: Research and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italy more smart
Revitalizing the telecommunications sector
- RNA: National Centre for Gene Therapy and Drugs Based on RNA Technology
Sharing knowledge and resources in the field of genetic therapies and RNA technology drugs - HEAL ITALIA: Health Extended Alliance for Innovative Therapies, Advanced Lab-research, and Integrated Approaches of Precision Medicine
First national network to strengthen the research and innovation chain in the field of precision medicine - AGE-IT: Italian Ageing Society
Creating an inclusive society for all ages - MNESYS: Multiscale integrated approach to the study of the nervous system in health and disease
Approaches for experimental and clinical neuroscience for nervous system and behavioral disorders through precision medicine - IN-FACT: One Health basic and translational actions addressing unmet needs on emerging infectious diseases
Monitoring, forecasting, diagnostic, and therapeutic research on viruses, resistant bacteria, vector insects, and animal reservoirs - DARE National Complementary Plan
Healthcare and disease prevention through digital technology - BBMRI: Strengthening of the Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure of Italy
Improving the diagnosis of multifactorial diseases through the digitalization of Biobanks - Elixir x NextGenerationIT: consolidamento dell’Infrastruttura Italiana per i Dati Omici e la Bioinformatica
Genomic data production for innovation in biotechnology, precision medicine, and pharmaceuticals
- CTA+: Cherenkov Telescope Array Plus
Completing the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO) for ground-based gamma astronomy - STILES: Strengthening the Italian leadership in ELT and SKA
Instruments for the European Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) and the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), the two largest terrestrial telescopes of the coming decades - ETIC: Einstein Telescope Infrastructure Consortium
Supporting Italy's bid to host the next-generation Einstein Telescope (ET) gravitational interferometer
The missions in which the University of Bologna is participating
The projects of Mission 1: Digitisation, innovation, competitiveness, culture and tourism
Mission 1 aims to give a decisive boost to relaunching the country’s competitiveness and productivity, by acting on several key elements of our economic system: connectivity for citizens, businesses and public administrations; a modern Public Administration that is an ally of citizens and the production system; enhancing cultural heritage and tourism, also in terms of promoting the country’s image and brand.
M1C1 – Digitisation, innovation and security in the Public Administration
- Data and interoperability (investment 1.3) Within this investment, the University of Bologna participates in the PDND – National Digital Data Platform project, which aims to guarantee that information is securely shared between Public Administrations, improving efficiency and data interoperability.
The projects of Mission 2: Green revolution and ecological transition
Mission 2 aims to bring about a profound change to implement the green, ecological and inclusive transition of the country, favouring circular economy, the development of renewable energy sources and a more sustainable agriculture.
The University of Bologna is involved in 2 of the 4 components around which the mission is structured.
M2C1 – Circular economy and sustainable agriculture
The University as co-proponent presented a project financed by investment H.1 "Logistic development for the agri-food, fishing and aquaculture sectors" of the National Complementary Plan (CNP) with objectives complementary to Mission 2 - Component 1.
- Logistic development for the agri-food, fishing and aquaculture sectors (CNP investment H.1)
M2C2 – Renewable energy, hydrogen, grid and sustainable mobility
- Hydrogen research and development (investment 3.5)
The goal of the investment is to improve knowledge of hydrogen-related technology for the production, storage and distribution phases in order to increase competitiveness and gradually reduce costs.
The projects of Mission 4: Education and research
Mission 4 aims to improve the conditions for the development of a knowledge-intensive, competitive and resilient economy, starting from recognition of the criticalities of our education, training and research system.
It is structured around two components.
M4C1 – Strengthening the provision of education services: from nurseries to universities
- PhD programmes for digital and environmental transition, Public Administration, cultural heritage and NRRP research (investments 3.4 and 4.1)
The measure aims to bridge the numerical and age gaps with the main European partners, combat brain drain and enhance human capital in the sectors of Public Administration, cultural heritage, digital and environmental transition. - Advanced university education and skills (investment 3.4)
The University of Bologna is participating in EDVANCE: Digital Education Hub Higher Education project, which aims to create a Digital Education Hub for Advanced Digital Culture for the entire community. - Active guidance for the transition from school to university (investment 1.6)
The University of Bologna offers students in the last three years of secondary school courses to facilitate, support and encourage the delicate transition from school to university.
M4C2 – From research to business
- Extended partnerships (investment 1.3)
Extended partnerships fund research projects on key themes for cultural, social, scientific, technological and medical development. - National champions (investment 1.4)
National research and development centres (so-called “champions”) are capable of achieving significant capacity for innovation and research by partnering with other research centres, universities and businesses, on themes that are of strategic interest for the country’s development. - Innovation ecosystems (investment 1.5)
Innovation ecosystems are networks of highly qualified and internationally renowned public and private entities, which aim to facilitate technology transfer and expedite the digital transformation of production processes, while keeping in mind economic and environmental sustainability and social impacts at a local level. - Research and technological innovation infrastructures (investment 3.1)
The investment aims to finance the creation of research and technological innovation infrastructures capable of bridging academia and business. - Innovative PhD programmes in cooperation with businesses (investment 3.3)
The action aims to strengthen high-profile skills, especially in the area of Key Enabling Technologies. - Research Projects of National Interest PRIN (investment 1.1)
The investment aims to fund over 8,000 projects by 2026, with a view to promoting the national research system, strengthening collaboration between universities and research centres, and encouraging participation of Italy in the initiatives of the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.
- Projects submitted by young researchers (investment 1.2)
The investment covers measures for young researchers who have been awarded ERC Starting Grants, MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships and MSCA Individual Fellowships, as well as those who have obtained the Seal of Excellence after applying for MSCA Individual Fellowships and MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships, under the Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe framework programmes.
The University as proposer presented the "DARE - Digital Lifelong Prevention" project funded by investment I.1 "Research initiatives for technologies and innovative paths in the field of assistance and healthcare" under the National Complementary Plan (NCCP), with objectives complementary to Mission 4 - Component 2.
Research initiatives for technologies and innovative paths in the field of assistance and healthcare (CNP investment I.1)
The projects of Mission 6: Health
Mission 6 aims to an effective improvement of the National Health Service to make facilities more modern, digital and inclusive, guarantee fair access to treatment and strengthen prevention and local services, by promoting research.
The University of Bologna is involved in 1 of the 2 components around which the mission is structured.
M6C1 – Proximity networks, facilities and telemedicine for territorial healthcare assistance
The University as co-proponent presented a project entitled "Good use of green and blue spaces for the promotion of health and well-being" financed by investment E.1 "Health-Environment-Biodiversity-Climate" of the National Complementary Plan (NCCP) with objectives complementary to Mission 6 - Component 1.
- Health, environment, biodiversity and climate (CNP investment E.1)
Complementary National Plan - CNP projects
The Italian government supplements and enhances the contents of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan or NRRP (Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza or PNRR in Italian) through its Complementary National Plan (PNC).
The complementarity of the PNC with the National Recovery and Resilience Plan is expressed at the level of:
- the project, with integration of resources for projects already planned under the NRRP (referred to as co-financed programmes and interventions);
- the mission or mission component, with the provision of additional investments (referred to as Plan programmes and projects) contributing to the achievement of the purposes of the NRRP.
The University of Bologna participates in the following investments:
- Research initiatives for technologies and innovative paths in the field of assistance and healthcare (CNP investment I.1 - Complementarity with the NRRP: Mission 4 - Component 2)
- Logistic development for the agri-food, fishing and aquaculture sectors (CNP investment H.1 - Complementarity with the NRRP: Mission 2 - Component 1)
- Health, environment, biodiversity and climate (CNP investment E.1 - Complementarity with the NRRP: Mission 6 - Component 1)