The production of innovative knowledge contributing to scientific progress not only aims at scientific progress but also offers a tangible and relevant impact on people's lives.

Research news
The results of the research through interviews with its protagonists, news and in-depth articles.

Research in numbers
Developed in every field of knowledge with an interdisciplinary and collaborative approach, also in an international context.

Research areas and projects
Activities, divided into areas, projects and research groups, where new knowledge is born and developed.

NRRP – Opportunities, expectations and results
The plan to tackle the consequences of the pandemic through investments and reforms: what the University of Bologna is doing.

Research organisation and infrastructure
We provide support and promote innovation through research facilities, services, equipment and laboratories.

Research evaluation
Objectives, models, and future directions for research evaluation at the University.

Networking for research
We cooperate with various organisations, associations and companies to find solutions to social challenges and support the growth and spread of knowledge.

Open Science
Open Science promotes open access policies for scientific knowledge, encouraging sharing and accessibility by the scientific community and society.

Doing research at Unibo
The production of innovative knowledge contributing to scientific progress and offering a tangible and relevant impact on people's lives.

Research for society and business
Our channels telling people about research and opportunities for fostering innovation with companies.