working people

Organizations and companies

Information and opportunities

Find out how to grow professionally, find specific skills and excellent partnerships

Training opportunities for your employees

We support companies in defining specific projects and skills upgrading activities.

Discover the training opportunities

Professional development, increasing skills

Cooperating with the University

Are you a business looking for top-level partnerships? Explore the opportunities for professional growth and business synergies offered by the University.

NRRP – Opportunities, expectations and results

The NRRP is Italy's key to a stronger future: through investments and reforms, the government aims to overcome post-pandemic challenges and build a more resilient and economically prosperous future.

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Calls for tender

View the supply and services tenders you can bid for, as well as the necessary information for economic operators and selection notices.

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Support the University

Every year the Alma Mater funds numerous projects.

Discover what you can support


News chosen for you


Call for Players - 2 April

Join the event to discover the entrepreneurial projects selected by "Call for Startup 2024/25," engage with their creators, and become part of an entrepreneurial team.

How we will keep in touch