Unibo structures involved:
- Classical Philology and Italian Studies – FICLIT;
- Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures – LILEC;
Unibo Team: Dott.ssa Lucia Manservisi
Project Web page: www.cle.unibo.it
Erasmus+ Action Type: KA1 Learning Mobility International Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees
Project reference: 599186-EPP-1-2018-1-IT-EPPKA1-JMD-MOB
Start Date: 1 September 2018
End Date: 30 September 2024
Budget: € 3,079,000
Coordinator: Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna (IT)
UE Partners:
- Université de Haute-Alsace (FR)
- Université de Strasbourg (FR)
- Aristoteleion Panepistimion Thessaloniki (EL)
- Universidade de Lisboa (PT)
Non-UE Partners:
- Université Cheikh Anta Diop Dakar (Senegal)
- University of Mumbai (India)
- State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education (Russia)
Associated Academic Partners:
- Université Saint-Joseph de Beiruth (Libano)
- Pontificia Facoltà Teologica dell’Italia Meridionale (Italia)
Associated non-Academic Partners:
- Moreno Holding Group Spa (Italia)
- HAMELIN (Italia)
- Odoya srl (Italia)
- Archives et Musée de la Littérature (Belgio)
- Fondation Catherine Gide (Svizzera)
- Association des Amis d'Orizons (Francia)
- MCS Media Consultants (Italia)
- Società DanteAlighieri (France)
- Bibliothèque, médiathèque - Ville de Mulhouse (Francia)
- Bottega Finzioni SRL (Italia)
- Association Xanadu (Francia)
- Thessaloniki History Centre (Grecia)
- Reggia di Caserta – Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali (Italia)
- Region of Crete (Grecia)
- Musée Théodore Monod d’Art Africain (Senegal)
- Institut Supérieur des Arts et des Cultures ISAC (Senegal)
- Past/Not Past (Francia)
- Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg (Francia)
- Comune di Bologna (Italia)
- Associazione Europea degli Insegnanti AEDE (Italia)
Degree Type: Multiple degree
Project description:
The CLE program aims to strengthen students’ expertise in literature, improve their personal development and their employability, establish a close relationship with members of the business community (both companies and institutions) and contribute to the implementation of the European Higher Education Area. The program seeks to create high quality students in the context of a Master Degree/Laurea Magistrale Erasmus Mundus in European Literary Cultures, organized in two academic years among eight universities: Bologna (Italy, coordinating institution), Strasbourg and Haute-Alsace (France), Thessaloniki (Greece), Lisbon (Portugal), Dakar (Senegal), Moscow (Russia) and Mumbai (India). The Pontificia Facoltà Teologica dell'Italia Meridionale (Italy) and the Saint-Joseph University of Beiruth (Lebanon) are associated partners at this point. A constant collaboration with the business world guarantees a focused training process: Publishing Houses (Odoya; Orizon Publishing), National Institutions (Archives and Literary Museums of Brussels, Royal Palace of Caserta, Théodore Monod Museum); Enterprises (Moreno Holding Group, Media Consultants), Cultural Associations (Gide Foundation, Hamelin Association, Xanadu Association), Libraries (Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg), Writing Schools (Bottega Finzioni), Cultural Institutes (Dante Alighieri, Higher Institute of Arts and Cultures of Dakar, Thessaloniki History Centre), a European association of teachers (AEDE Lombardia) and the Town Councils of Bologna and Mulhouse collaborate with the universities to offer theoretic training and its practical implementation.
The CLE program is characterized by:
a) a joint program with learning validation (120 ECTS),
b) mandatory trans-national mobility, with validation of all activities and a multiple diploma, offered by the consortium universities,
c) top quality education in Literature, Art history, Philosophy, History and specific seminars related to the business world; d) the knowledge of at least three European languages (among French, English, Italian and Greek). The students are prepared through seminars on multicultural studies, while living and working together as a group through writing exercises and cultural field trips. They are furthermore led to respect others through convivial meetings in which the traditions of the countries represented by the students themselves are brought to the fore. Thus, they are better prepared for international competition with their knowledge and capability of interacting across nationalities. The program is designed for both European and non-European students who have a) already completed a first cycle degree program (180 ECTS) that gives access to a second cycle degree; b) have taken courses from among the following disciplines: Literature, Languages (expression techniques, Linguistics and Language sciences, Philology), History or Art history. The knowledge of English (minimum B1 level) is mandatory, as well as the knowledge of the language of the consortium university in which the student plans to study during the first year of the program (minimum B2 level).