European Projects of Education and Training
The Internationalisation Strategy of our University is based on the recognition and enhancement of the variety of subjects offered, along with skill in networking with foreign Universities. European Projects for Education and Training are an important tool to achieve the internationalization goals, therefore Unibo is actively involved in all the Erasmus+ Programme. This section briefly presents the Erasmus+ projects coordinated or participated by the University of Bologna since 2014.
KA1 Learning Mobility International
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees
- ASC – Advanced Spectroscopy In Chemistry Master's Course
- CLE – Master Erasmus Mundus En Cultures Littéraires Européennes (Coordinator)
- WACOMA - Master in WAter and COastal Management (Coordinator)
WOP-P - Master in Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology
- GEMMA – European Master in Gender and Women Studies
Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctoral Degrees
KA2 European Universities
ERASMUS+ European Universities
KA2 Strategic Partnerships
Strategic Partnerships for higher education
BENEDICT: BIM-enabled Learning Environment for Digital Construction
- Bridging the <gap> in Ancient Writing Cultures: ENhance COmpetences in the Digital Era
Developing a new curriculum in Global Migration, Diaspora and Border Studies in East-Central Europe
- EBU student journey Bioeconomy qualification supplement
- Engagement Readiness Monitor
- Fakespotting
- FOEBE - FOstering Entrepreneurship for the BioEconomy
- Integrated Reporting and Education for Sustainability Project
- INTERSTICE - Encounters between artists, children and educators
- OEMONOM - Open access Educational Materials On Naturally
Occurring Molecules - OMNI - BE Aware Student
- RECOGNISE - Legal Reasoning and Cognitive Science
- Social Cohesion and Inclusion: developing the educational possibilities of the European multilingual heritage through applied linguistics
- EULALIA - European Latin Linguistic Assessment (Coordinator)
- DIGIT-BIOTECH - Green Technology Foresight about challenges from biotechnology and ICT
- FUCUHE - The Future of Cultural Heritage in Modern Europe
- IDENTITIES: Integrate Disciplines to Elaborate Novel Teaching approaches to InTerdisciplinarity and Innovate pre-service teacher Education for STEM challenges
- LED2LEAP - Landscape Education for Democracy to Learning, Empowerment, Agency and Partnership
- PROMIS - Promoting social inclusion skills in a post-truth world: A gamified online platform and curriculum
- REACTME – Research & Action and training in medical interpreting
TICKET - Transnational Intercultural Competence through Knowledge Exchange and Training
TRASMARES - Specialized Training on applied tools for sustainable marine ecosystems
UNISAFE - Security and safety on HEIs students and staff moving abroad
- ARCHEA - ARCHitectural European medium-sized city Arrangement (Coordinator)
- SIDECAR - Skills In DEmentia CARe - Exchanging psychosocial knowledge and best practice in dementia care (Coordinator)
- TRAIN THE TRAINEES - Train future trainers in radiation protection and nuclear technology
- UNINET CH –University Network for Cultural Heritage – Integrated Protection, Management and Use
- BOOSTEDU: Boosting Relevant and Applicable Continuing Education in the Food Sector
- Design for ALL: Required capabilities for educators to include the D4ALL (Design for all) principles within current teaching practices
- ECHC – European Citizenship, Heritage and Culture
- ITHEPHY: Innovative Team-Teaching For Physics (Coordinator)
- PEACEMAKERS - Peace Dialogue Campus Network: Fostering Positive Attitudes between Migrants and Youth in Hosting Societies
- SEGAE: SErious Game in AgroEcology
- STALWARTS - Sustaining Teachers and Learners with the Arts: Relational Health in European Schools
- Timeline Travel: An Alternative Tool for architectural History Teaching
- ARCHI-STEAM – Greening the Skills of Architecture Students via STEAM Education
- ASSET-COMM – Designing Collaborative Educational Resources (CER) for Assets-Based Community Participation (ABCP) across Europe
- ATIAH – Approaches and tools for Internationalisation At Home’ in Higher Education
- ESTRO – European School for Training in Orthopaedics
- NA-TPETT-MURR – Novel Approach: Transnational Postgraduate Education and Training Programme in Musculoskeletal Regenerative Research
- INSIDE: INnovative curriculum for Strong Identities in Diverse Europe
- ReMEIC – Research Master in European and International Criminology
- E-LENGUA – E-Learning Novelties Towards The Goal Of A Universal Acquisition Of Foreign And Second Languages
- ILOCALAPP – Incidentally Learning Other Cultures And Languages Through An App
- LED – Landscape Education For Democracy (Coordinator)
- RADIOECOLOGY – Blended Learning In Radiation Protection And Radioecology
- SHIFT – Shaping The Interpreters Of The Future And Of Today (Coordinator)
- TOX - OER – Learning Toxicology Through Open Educational Resources
- BIOTECH-MA – Teaching Biotechnology For Human Health: From The Bench To The Market (Coordinator)
- EUROPE ENGAGE – Developing A Culture Of Civic Engagement Through Service-Learning Within Higher Education In Europe
- INTQUANT – Creating An International Semester For Master Programmes In Quantitative Finance
- UGT – Urban Green Education For Enterprising Agricultural Innovation (Coordinator)
Strategic Partnerships for school education
- Building a narrative approach fostering collaboration between preschools and libraries
- The global citizenship and multilingual competences toolkit
- EYLBID -Empowering Young Language Brokers for Inclusion in Diversity
- NeMo - New Monitoring Guidelines to Develop Innovative ECEC teachers' curricula
- BLP - Blurred Lives Project:a cross-national, co-participatory exploration of cyberbullying, young people and socio-economic disadvantage
- GARDENStoGROW - Urban Horticulture for innovative and inclusive Early Childhood Education
- GOaL - Go Out And Learn: High Quality Practices for developing key competences in Primary School Education
- TRACKs - TRAnsitions Children and Kindergarten
- HEY: Teacher, don't leave the kids alone
- I-SEE – Inclusive STEM Education to Enhance the capacity to aspire and imagine future careers (Coordinator)
- START – A good start for all: Sustaining TrAnsitions across the Early Years
Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
- EMPHOS – Empowering Museum Professionals & Heritage Organizations Staff By Cultural Entrepreneurship Training And Research
- ENNEADI - European Network in Nutritional Education for Acquired DIsabilities
- ESTEEM - European Safety Training And Evaluation For European Mobility
The Fab Routes: Digital Skills to promote EU cultural routes
- FORMBRIDGE - Learning by doing Pedagogy. A Revised Approach to Foster Formative ladders and bridges
- INNOFARM-Innovative Indoor farming applications for future Urban Farmers
- PEPPY - Promote Education, Participation and Projects for Youth
- QAVAD - Quality of Life at home
Strategic Partnerships for adult education
- EUMENTORSTEM: Creation of a EUropean e-platform of MENTORing and coaching for promoting migrant women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (Coordinator)
- Fostering MIGrant ENtrepreneurship inCUBation in Europe
- GEN-EQUIP – Equipping European Primary Care Health Professionals To Deal With Genetics
- LILAC: "Lifelong Intercultural Learning Alliance for Change"
Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness
- European Open Platform for Prescribing Education
- HistoryLab for European Civic Engagement: open e-Toolkit to train History Teachers on Digital Teaching and Learning
- Quill
KA2 Capacity Building
Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education
- Geothermal Energy Capacity Building in Egypt
- Remove: Repensando la migración desde la frontera de Venezuela: nuevo programa académico en movilidad humana y convivencia en la Comunidad Andina
- BANUU - Designing new pathways for employability and entrepreneurship of Iraqi students in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
- Building Internationalisation in Pakistan
- EATHEN – Equitable access to higher education for students with disabilities and students from marginalized groups in Nepal
- ELEPHANT - Empowering universities’ Learning and rEsearch caPacities in the one Health Approach for the maNagement of animals at the wildlife, livestock and human interface in souTh Africa
- OPEN – OPEN-ing Laos Higher Education System to internationalisation strategies
- RADIUM - EU best practices-based education in Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Culture for the Belarusian Academia
- REACH – Improving REsearch capacities of Albanian higher education institutions in conservation and restoration of Cultural Heritage
- SMART – University Business Engagement in Indonesia: Supporting Employability and Transition into the Graduate Labour Market
- TEAL2.O – Improving Access to Science and Technology Higher Education in Resource-Poor Institutions through an Open Platform for Technology Enabled Active Learning Environment Activities
- BECK- Integrating Education With Consumer Behaviour Relevant To Energy Efficiency And Climate Change At The Universities Of Russia, Sri Lanka And Bangladesh
- FORTH -Formation of Teachers in Emerging Challenged Areas in the Philippines
- INSPIRE - INnovative Governance Practices in the Higher Educations Institutions in IRaq
- MORALE- Capacity building for curricula modernization of Syrian and Lebanese HEIs and lifelong learning provision: towards sustainable NGOs management and operation with special focus on refugees
- ODISSEA- organ Donation Innovative Strategies for South-East Asia
- TOOLKIT - Designing And Managing International Relations, Educational Projects And Mobility Schemes In Asian Universities (Coordinator)
- VITAGLOBAL- A Global Network for Agricultural Sciences and Viniviticulture: Internationalising through Joint Programmes
- BUGI-Western Balkans Urban Agriculture Initiative
- CHINLONE-Connecting Higher education Institutions for a New leadership On National Education (Coordinator)
- ENTEP: Enhancing Teaching Practice in Higher Education in Russia and China
- EULA-GTEC: Technology and Innovation Management Master
- Gradua: Graduates Advancement and Development of University capacities in Albania
- ICMED-International Credit Mobility: a new challenge for the Mediterranean Region
- OPT-IN: Nuevo programa de posgrado para la formacion de OPeradores Transnacionales e INterculturales para la defensa de la naturaleza y la construccion de la paz en la Comunidad Andina (Coordinator)
- RICH-Ed-Resources for Interculturality in Chinese Higher Education
- StEER-Leb: Student Empowerment, Engagement and Representation in Lebanese Universities
- T-INDIA: Tuning India
- XCELING: Towards Excellence in Applied Linguistics. Innovative Second Language Education in Egypt
- CAMINOS – Enhancing and Promoting Latin America Mobility
- EU-CHINA KeTLOD – Knowledge Transfer and Leadership in Organ Donation from Europe to China
- RecoLATIN - Credential evaluation centres and recognition procedures in Latin American countries
- SPIRE- Strategic IP Management for Effective R&I in Asian Higher Education
- WALADU – Development and Structuring of BA Courses in Archaeology in Iraq (Coordinator)
- EXPERES – Les Tice Appliquées À L’expérimentation Scientifique
- HERITAG – Higher Education Interdisciplinary Reform In Tourism Management And Applied Geoinformation Curricula
- HICA – Harmonisation And Innovation In Central America Higher Education Curricula: Enhancing And Implementing A Regional Qualifications Framework
- IMPALA – Internationalisation And Modernisation Programme For Academics, Leaders And Administrators
- MUSE – Modernity and Disability: Ensuring Quality Education for Disabled Students
KA2 Knowledge Alliances
Knowledge Alliances
- Rural 3.0: Service Learning for the Rural Development
- Social Economy 4Ces: Joining Social Economy Forces towards Community development, Connected societies, Co-creation of knowledge and Collaborative education practices
- University Business Alliance in modern Biotechnology approaches for climate change mitigation solutions (Bio-SAVE)
KA3 Support for policy reform
Forward Looking Cooperation Projects
- CalohE2 - Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education Phase 2
- CalohEx - Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Europe - Extension
Support for policy reform
- InTrans - Inclusive Transitions across the Early Years
- FAIR – Focus on Automatic Institutional Recognition
- OpenU - Online Pedagogical Resources for European Universities
Social Inclusion though Education, Training and Youth
Dedicated VET tools
- ICARO - Innovative qualifications for technological and organizational innovation in building sector
Jean Monnet
Jean Monnet chairs
- Disinformation, Euroscepticism and European Union Policies
- PATHS – Different Paths Of Integration In Europe After The Ii World War: Economy Vs Politics At The Root Of Eu (Coordinator)
- The EU and migration: lesson from history and present impact (Coordinator)
Jean Monnet centres of excellence
- Digi-ConSME: Consumers and SMEs in the Digital Single Market
- WORPOL – the European Union in World Politics: what power? What leadership? A multidisciplinary approach (Coordinator)
Jean Monnet projects
- EUCITY: New policies and practices for European Sharing cities (Coordinator)
- EUCOMM – The Eu Teachers' Community (Coordinator)
- EUCYCLE - The EU LEARNING CYCLE: teachers, students… citizens! teachers, students… citizens! (Coordinator)
- INDEMIG – Europe post-1945: Integration between Decolonization and Migration?
Over the Atlantic. EU and Latin America relations: between diplomacy and paradiplomacy
Past and Present Migration Challenges: what European and American History can teach us
- PLAY with EU (Coordinator)
- TEACH – From Italian Teachers To European Teachers (Coordinator)
Jean Monnet network
- EUPLANT: EU-CHINA Legal and Judicial Cooperation (Coordinator)
- Legal Ambiguities withstanding TTIP (NETWORK) (Coordinator)
SHINE - The sharing economy and the emergence of new forms of inequalities in Europe
Jean Monnet modules
- Competition Law and Social Inequalities
- CRISES- Critical Risks for Integration and Solidarity in the European Space (Coordinator)
Collaborative Partnerships
See also
- Research Projects and Initiatives Published
AFORM - Settore Offerta formativa congiunta nazionale e internazionale - Ufficio Offerta formativa congiunta internazionale
Via Zamboni 33 Bologna (BO)
ARIN - Settore Local and Global Engagement
Via Filippo Re 4 Bologna (BO)