Who are international students

Degree programme admission and enrolment procedures may vary depending on your personal situation.

To better understand the procedures and requirements, find out which group you should refer to. If you do not identify with any of the situations described below, read the FAQ.

1) You should refer to the procedures applicable to "Italian citizens, EU citizens and non-EU citizens with EU equivalent status" if:

  • you are a citizen of one of the countries in the European Union (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Hungary) or one of the following countries: Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and San Marino,
  • you have dual citizenship, including a country in the European Union,
  • you are a citizen of a non-EU country, but you have one of the following residence permits, issued by the Italian Government (non-EU students with EU equivalent status):
    - EU permit for long-term residents (previously, EC residence permit for long-term residents or residence card)
    - for the purpose of employment, self-employment or for investor
    - for family reasons
    - for political or humanitarian asylum
    - for religious reasons
    - for “casi speciali” (art. 18, 18 bis and 22 par. 12-quarter, Leg. Decree 25 July 1998, no. 286)
    - for “calamità” (art. 20 bis, Leg. Decree 25 July 1998, no.  286)
    - for “atti di particolare valore civile” (art. 42 bis, Leg. Decree 25 July 1998, no. 286)
    - for “protezione speciale” (art. 32, par. 3, Leg. Decree 28 January 2008, no. 25)
    Important: except in cases of entry into Italy for work, any visa and the sole request for the first issue of one of the residence permits indicated do not confer the EU equivalent status. Contact the International Desk to check your situation.
    - “Carta di soggiorno” for UK citizens (art. 50 TUE; art.18.4 Withdrawal agreement EU-UK). If the card is not available yet, UK citizens can submit a certificate (“attestazione di iscrizione anagrafica”) issued by the Municipality of residence, which proves registration prior to 31 December 2020;
    - for temporary protection (DPCM 28 March 2022). Attention: the residence permit for temporary protection is temporary and at the moment the Italian law does not provide for the possibility of converting it into a student permit. For degree programmes with restricted access at national level (for example Medicine and Surgery), the equivalent status must still be confirmed by the competent ministerial offices;
  • you are a citizen of a non-EU country, but you have been a resident in Italy for at least one year and you have a high school diploma earned in Italy, which gives you access to the chosen degree programme (non-EU students with EU equivalent status);
  • you are a citizen of a non-EU country, you have a qualification earned in Italy, which gives you access to the degree programme of choice and you also have a valid residence permit for study purposes;
  • you are a citizen of a non-EU country and you are enrolled in a degree programme at an Italian university, you have a valid residence permit for study purposes, and you wish to apply for a transfer or change of programme for the following A.Y;
  • you are a citizen of a non-EU country and you are enrolled in single learning activities at an Italian university, you have a valid residence permit for study purposes, you wish to enrol in the following A.Y. in a degree programme, without returning to the Italian Embassy in your country for a new pre-enrolment and a new visa.
    Important! In order to enrol in the degree programme you must have passed at least one single learning activity, which must be functional to the degree programme. Enrolment in single learning activities can be done for only one academic year: you cannot enrol for two consecutive years. Please contact the International Desk to get more information on the requirements for the renewal of your residence permit for study purposes;

  • you are a citizen of a non-EU country and you are enrolled in a "Foundation Year" at an Italian university, you have a valid residence permit for study purposes, you wish to enrol in the following A.Y. in a degree programme, without returning to the Italian Embassy in your country for a new pre-enrolment and a new visa.
    Important! In order to enrol in the degree programme you must have successfully completed the "Foundation Year", which must be functional to the degree programme. Enrolment in "Foundation Years" can be done for only one academic year: you cannot enrol for two consecutive years. Please contact the International Desk to get more information on the requirements for the renewal of your residence permit for study purposes;
  • you or a family member are part of the staff serving in foreign diplomatic missions and international organizations based in Italy and you are in possession of a Diplomatic Identity Card issued by the MAECI or a “Mission” residence permit. Important: the “Mission” permit cannot be converted into the “Student” permit.

2) You should refer to the procedures applicable to "non-EU citizens with residency abroad" if: you are a citizen of a non-EU country and you do not reside in Italy or you do not possess the requirements to be treated as equivalent to EU citizens. Please read the detailed information if you want to enrol in a first cycle or single cycle degree programme or if you want to enrol in a second cycle degree degree programmeUK citizens residing outside Italy are considered "non-EU citizens with residency abroad".

3) You should refer to the procedures applicable to "non-EU citizens with residency abroad", but you must compete with EU students for admission to restricted access degree programmes if: you are a non-EU citizen residing abroad but have one of the qualifications and language certificates listed on the page "Italian language test and certificate for enrolment in a degree programme”. Important: if you have a group 2 certificate you must compete with EU students only if you choose a degree programme delivered in Italian.

4) You should refer to the procedures applicable to “Marco Polo students” if: you are a Chinese citizen and you are taking part in the Marco Polo programme.

The calls for applications for degree programmes with restricted access provide quotas for "Italian citizens, EU citizens and non-EU citizens with equivalent status" and for "non-EU citizens with residency abroad" called "contingenti".

Should you have any questions, please contact the International Desk.


ASES - Area Servizi Studenti - International Desk

Students enrolling in degree programmes or single course units


Via Marsala 49/A - 40126 Bologna (Italy)

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Office hours by direct access: Tuesdays 14:30-16:00
+39 051 2082550
Telephone Desk: Friday 10:00-11:00
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Monday and Wednesday 10:00-12:00
Thursday 14:30–16:00

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