Unibo students

Enrolled students

Information and opportunities

A quick and practical guide to finding your way through your studies

5 things to know

  • Your programme’s website is your point of reference

    You will find all the latest information on what you may need.

  • Always use your institutional email address

    This way the offices can refer to your file and be quicker in giving you assistance.

  • Ask if you need anything!

    Each programme has a tutor, a student like you, or other people who can give you valuable advice during your university experience. You will find the references on the contact page of your programme’s website.

  • Renew your enrollment every year

    To be able to take exams, remember to pay the fees every year from the end of July within the deadlines.

  • Renew your residence permit

    If you are a citizen of a non-EU country, check every year when you need to renew your residence permit.

How to enrich your curriculum

Broaden your horizons, make your university experience even more complete

  • Sign up for a language course: not only English, at Unibo you can even study Swahili
  • Do an experience abroad: a valuable experience in different realities, supporting your personal growth

Transferable skills and other teaching activities for personal and professional growth

What you can count on

Studying at the university is possible regardless of your financial situation.

We are with you along the way

Find your space: free places for studying and online resources, available 24/7

Opportunities for professional growth while studying of after graduation

What study method at university?

My study plan

  • Preparing your study plan

    Each year, in two different periods, you can choose which course units to sign up to. Follow the instructions on your programme website on the 'Preparing your study plan' page.

  • Check the class timetables and attend lectures

    Each programme has a lecture schedule, and for some attendance is compulsory. Plan ahead by looking at the 'Lecture Schedule' page on your programme website.

  • Explore the study material

    On the web page of each programme, you will find the list of books and other teaching materials. Study books can be borrowed from the library. To find the list of course units, consult the 'course structure diagram' on your programme website.

  • Prepare for and sit the exams

    After the lectures and your own studies, you can sit the exam. The exam dates are published on the 'Exam sessions' section on your programme website or in the AlmaEsami application.

Would you like to connect with people?

Play an active part in the life of the University

AMA: the Alumni Association where ideas, interests, opportunities can be shared.

Life and experiences at the University

The city for students: where to go, how to get around and where to eat


Take a look at the perspectives

Once you have finished your studies, different paths will open up: new possibilities to continue your journey or perhaps change direction.

News chosen for you

You can find all the news for you on the notice board of your programme website


Tuition fee reduction for undergraduates with specific requirements who only have to sit the final examination

If you have been enrolled for a number of years exceeding the normal course duration plus one and you only have to sit the final examination, your tuition fees may be reduced. Deadline: 18 March.


Transferable skills: key tools for education and work

From information literacy to public engagement, from neuroscience to ecological transition, from communication to intellectual property, up to employability skills: enrol by 25 March.

Vocational training programme

Re-opening of the Tech Forward call for applications - new deadline: 31 March

Join the 16-week Post-graduate vocational training programme to explore advanced technologies, create innovative solutions, and engage with IdeaSquare at CERN.


Call for Players - 2 April

Join the event to discover the entrepreneurial projects selected by "Call for Startup 2024/25," engage with their creators, and become part of an entrepreneurial team.


Career Day - Job networking event

On 8 April, meet companies and test your approach to the job market. Sign up now!

Financial support

Financial support for healthcare expenses for non-resident students

The call for applications is open to students enrolled in PhD programs and specialization schools. Submit your application on Studenti Online by 30 April.


Workshops on study methods and OrientaLab

Participate in the meetings, online or in person at the 5 Campuses, where interactive workshops will be done on specific topics related to the university experience. Check the full calendar and sign up.

International mobility

Call for applications to Erasmus + mobility for traineeship 2025/26

Would you like to broaden your curriculum by working abroad? Carry out a paid traineeship in a European Union country. Apply by 13 May.


Student Elections 2025

On 14 and 15 May, you can express your opinion. Vote for your representatives in the University Governing Bodies and the National Council of University Students. Find out how, when, and where to vote.


Are you attending a postgraduate course?

How we will keep in touch