Educational training sections

The educational training sections are organizational structures of the Degree Course located in the National Healthcare system that collaborate with the University in the management of the Degree Course.

In Rimini there are educational training sections of the courses of:

  • Techniques of Medical Radiology (Radiography and Radiotherapy)
  • Midwife
  • Physiotherapy

which are developped in two integrated ways:

  • one period of the education program (theoretical lessons) is attended collectively by all students enrolled in the different years of the course, in the classrooms of the University in Bologna
  • one period of the course (predominantly) is attended in the educational training section in Rimini, for all the professionalizing didactic modules (which includes: theoretical lessons, guided study, seminars, exercises, tutorial activities) and for all internship credits. Basically, the Academic Year will be divided into periods in which the students will attend lessons in Bologna and periods in which the students will attend  the professionalizing modules, workshops and internships in Rimini.

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