Foto del docente

Aura Reggiani

Alma Mater Honorary Professor

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

Short Bio

Alma Mater Professor of Economic Policy at the University of Bologna, Department of Economics. She has been Full Professor of Economic Policy (2001-2021), as well as Associate Professor of Economic Policy (1992-2001). She is a specialist in spatial economics and modelling, with particular reference to the study of network evolution, complexity, resilience/vulnerability and of the associated models and policies. Aura Reggiani has a long list of international publications and is on the editorial boards of seven internationally recognised journals. She has been Editor of the "NECTAR Series on Transportation and Communications Networks Research" (Edward Elgar, UK-USA) (2009-2019), and currently Editor of the journal "Networks and Spatial Economics" (Springer-Verlag).

Aura Reggiani was elected as a Fellow of NIAS (Netherland Institute of Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences) (1991), Fellow of the RSAI (Regional Science Association International) (2010), Member of the Academia Europaea (2016), Life Member at Clare Hall (Cambridge, UK) (2020) and Member of The Academy of Science of Bologna Institute (2020).

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+39 051 20 9 2753

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Via Zamboni 33, Bologna - Go to map

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