Evaluation Group

The Evaluation Group is the University body responsible for the evaluation of teaching, research and administrative activities. It is appointed for a term of three years.

Its functions have been expanded to encompass the accreditation of degree programmes, transparency, anticorruption and performance, along with the evolution of the two most important processes in which the Group plays a role – the AVA system (Self-assessment, Evaluation, Accreditation) and the Performance system.

ANVUR has set out and explored the areas of competence of the Evaluation Group in its Guidelines, which are updated on a regular basis.

Members of the Evaluation Group

In office from 07 March 2025 to 06 March 2028

Dr Paola Antonicelli
Università Humanitas di Milano
Curriculum Vitae [.pdf 626 KB] 

Professor Irene Canfora
Università degli Studi di Bari 
Curriculum Vitae [.pdf 153 KB]

Professor Paolo Collini - President
Università degli Studi di Trento
Curriculum Vitae

Professor Patrizia Lombardi
Politecnico di Torino
Curriculum Vitae 

Prof. Bruno Moncharmont
Libera Università Mediterranea “Giuseppe Degennaro”
Curriculum Vitae [.pdf 179 KB]

Eng. Tommaso Piazza
Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
Curriculum Vitae [.pdf 310 KB]

Mr Raul Tiani - Students Representative

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna
Curriculum Vitae [.pdf 306 KB]


Rectoral Decree for the Appointment of the Evaluation Group 2025-2028

Regulations for the Operation of the Evaluation Group

Documents of the Evaluation Group

Evaluation Group Reports (in Italian)

Summary of decisions (in Italian)

Restricted area 

Evaluation Group restricted area


Applicable regulations

Law 370/1999

Law 240/2010

Legislative Decree 19/2012

Legislative Decree 33/2013, as amended by Legislative Decree 97/2016

Legislative Decree 190/2012, as amended by Legislative Decree 97/2016

Legislative Decree 74/2017, amending Law 150/2009



Head of Evaluation Group Support Office


Via Zamboni 25, Bologna (BO)

+39 051 20 9 9753

Paola Mandelli

APPC Manager - Planning, Programming and Communication Area

+39 051 2088591

Flavia Mazzulli

APPC - Ufficio Supporto al Nucleo di Valutazione


Via Zamboni 25 Bologna (BO)

+39 051 2088678

Davide Mattia Anedda

APPC - Ufficio Supporto al Nucleo di Valutazione


Via Zamboni 25 Bologna (BO)

+39 051 2080816