Insurance for students

Information about the insurance service of the University of Bologna.

All students regularly enrolled to a course at the University of Bologna are insured against accidents (except risk during the journey between home and work).

Recipients of the insurance policy

The information described below is for all students enrolled to first, second and single cycle degree programmes, professional master's programmes, PhD programmes, post-graduate courses, summer and winter schools and non-medical specialisation schools. 

For students registered to a medical specialisation school, the coverage is limited to teaching activities only, excluding all activities performed in clinical or other healthcare facilities.
More information on insurance coverage for students enrolled to medical specialisation school.

Validity of the insurance policy

The insurance policy covers events occurring during institutional activities run by the University of Bologna, even outside of university premises, provided the activity is authorized formally and in advance by the competent academic heads, offices or bodies according to laws and regulations. Strict compliance with the necessary procedures is the only way to automatically activate the insurance coverage.

For information purposes, the Insurance Office can issue a statement confirming the insurance cover for activities outside of university premises upon request. Students can request this statement by writing to and to the competent administrative office(s), providing the following information: name and surname, student enrolment number, when and where the activity will take place, the office/body that issued the authorization and – if available – the authorization reference number (or a copy thereof).

What to do in the event of an injury

In the event of an injury, the person(s) injured shall duly:

  1. submit the medical report from A&E to the Affiliation Structure (School or Department) – who will file an INAIL report and comply with any other requirement within the terms established by law, and notify the Insurance Contracts Unit;
  2. fill in the injury form (in Italian) [.doc] to activate the private insurance cover Aig. This form can be returned to the Affiliation Structure (who will send it to our office) or to the Insurance Contracts Unit, within 30 days from the date the injury occurred.

The report in point 2 will not be taken into consideration if the report mentioned in point 1 was not submitted to the Affiliation Structure. 

In the event of suspected HIV infection

In the event of suspected HIV infection while carrying out institutional activities, the subject must notify via telegram, certified email or fax, within 3 days from the incident the University and the Broker or, alternatively, the Insurance Company with the University in copy knowledge thereof.

At the same time, the subject must also send a letter via recorded mail to the University and the Broker or, alternatively, the Insurance Company with the University in copy knowledge thereof.

The claim must be supported by A&E medical certificate and by the declaration from a manager of the structure attesting the incident. Therefore, the managers will have to prepare a declaration and provide it to the subject and/or the Insurance Contract Management Office.

The contact details of the Insurance Company, University and Broker are as follows:

Insurance Company

Viale Beethoven 11, CAP 00144, Roma
Fax: 06 54924203


Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna – APAT- Ufficio Gestione Contratti Assicurativi
Via Acri 3, CAP 40126, Bologna
Fax: 051 2098845;


AON spa
Via De’ Toschi 4, CAP 40124, Bologna
Fax:  051 263118


Injury form (in Italian) [.doc 446 KB]


APAT - Ufficio Gestione contratti assicurativi


Via Acri 3 - 40126 Bologna