28599 - Technologies of Education

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Expert Social And Cultural Education (cod. 8776)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course student
- knows the debate about the knowledge society and the development of ICTs; - is able to analyze new technological applications based on models of learning problems; - is able to compare and choose the most suitable technologies for educational mediation depending on the contexts and stakeholders He/she works with; - knows theories and interpretive tools of electronic communication and knows how to incorporate them into projects of educational intervention; - is able to participate in learning communities and communities of practice to study topics of professional interest; - knows how to use computer equipment to document and update his/her professional knowledge. Modifica Course contents

Course contents

The course places the problem of contemporary educational technologies in the debate on the profound transformation of the instruments of educative communication and teaching mediation within an overall expansion and redefinition of the concept of education. In this context, the course critically analyzes all the instrumental and methodological opportunities where educators are called to exercise their right-duty choice according to the quality of the services objectives and projects they work for and the quality of specific contents of their training programme.

From a general reconnaissance on various interpretative models of educational technologies, the course proposes:

a) to analyse the concepts of multimediality and interactivity, typical of the new high electronic educational environments;

b) to face the problem of the technological qualification of educational experience lived in the new context of telematic tools development, with particular reference to scenarios of e-learning;

c) to identify the new perspectives of didactic qualification for educators, who are called to consciously operate in the complex panorama of the new technologies.

This is a blended learning course.

The e-learning part is titled “Society of knowledge, educational systems and ICT”. Themes we take into account regard the society of knowledge and the new technologies of information and communication, the new elements connected to the oncoming of technologies, the educative implications linked to these phenomena.


Erasmus students are kindly request to contact me to agree a specific programme.

Teaching methods

Lectures, classrooms exercises, Moodle's activities.

Assessment methods

Erasmus students can agree with the teacher different dates and/or assessment methods (oral exams).

Teaching tools

Projector, PC, interactive whiteboard, Moodle.

Office hours

See the website of Manuela Fabbri