Requesting duplicates

How to request a duplicate electronic badge or degree certificate.

Electronic badge

Read the information to obtain the badge duplicate for First Cycle, Single Cycle Degree and Second Cycle Degree students.

Degree Certificate

After passing the final examination, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università of Bologna issues a diploma indicating your qualification and degree class.
The certificate does not indicate your individual exam grades or your final grade. Where granted, special mention is made of any honours awarded (lode).

If you want to obtain a duplicate (in case of theft, loss, or destruction), you must submit to the Student Administration Office of your degree programme by mail or in person by appointment:

If you have changed your personal details in the civil status register and would like the changes to be reflected in the University’s database, you must request (for free) a new degree certificate with your correct details. To do so, you must submit the following to the Student Administration Office of your Degree Programme:

Physical Education Diploma Certificate (Istituto Superiore di Educazione Fisica)

If you are a graduate of the Istituto Superiore di Educazione Fisica (ISEF) and you need a new diploma certificate (because of theft, loss, or destruction) please send an email to the Student Administration Office for Pharmacy, Biotechnology and Sport Science ( and attach a copy (front and back) of a valid identity document. The Student Administration Office will give you all the necessary information, also regarding the payment of the €132 fee.