Supporting the role of the Common agricultural policy in LAndscape valorisation: Improving the knowledge base of the contribution of landscape Management to the rural economy.

Unibo Team Leader: Prof. Davide Viaggi, Dip. di Economia e Ingegneria Agrarie-DEIAGRA

The provision of public goods (including landscape services) in rural areas is recognized as one of the key topics for the future of agriculture and rural policy. Agriculture plays a major role in landscape management through its complex interlinkages with landscape features. In turn, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) remains an important driver of landscape management due to its importance as a determinant of farming activities in the EU.
The main objective of the CLAIM project is to provide the knowledge base to support an effective CAP policy design in the direction of improved landscape management, particularly providing insights into the ability of landscape to contribute to the production of added value for society in rural areas.
CLAIM is focused in particular on understanding and enhancing the contribution of landscapes management to socio-economic development and agricultural competitiveness in rural areas. This will be based on a pragmatic consideration of landscape services and their analysis through a mixed-method approach, taking into account the wider EU policy strategies (in particular related to innovation and the bioeconomy). The main expected result of the CLAIM project is an evidence-based policy support framework on the different and possible contributions of agriculture and the CAP to landscape management. The framework will be mainly developed and validated through a set of 9 case studies, a strong involvement of stakeholders at different territorial levels and a wide
coverage of the perspectives of EU and candidate countries. The framework will finally take the practical form of a web-based manual to be implemented in accordance to stakeholders needs and indications.


  • Dip. di Economia e Ingegneria Agrarie-DEIAGRA
  • Resp. Scientifico: Prof. Davide Viaggi


Other participants
Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Agrarlandschaftsforschung-ZALF e.V. (Germany)
JRC – Joint Research Centre-European Commission (EU)
Universitaet fuer Bodenkultur Wien (Austria)
Vereniging voor Christelijk Hoger Onderwijs Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek en Patientenzorg (The Netherlands)
Instituto Andaluz de Investigacion y Formacion Agraria Pesquera Alimentaria y de la Produccion Ecologica (Spain)
Szkola Glowna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego (Poland)
Suleyman Demirel University (Turkey)
Agricultural University (Bulgaria)
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomìque-INRA (France)


Start date 01/01/2012

End date 31/12/2014

Duration 36 months

Project cost 1.863.560 EURO

Project Funding 1.499.400 EURO

Subprogramme Area KBBE.2011.1.4-04: The CAP and landscape management

Contract type Collaborative project – Small or medium-scale focused research project