The summit is jointly organized by the University of Bologna, National Food Institute - Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Lund University (LU), and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), in the frame of the “DISH Global Centre for Food Safety and Quality”alliance.
The summit aims to raise awareness and openly discuss on the needs and expectations of relevant international stakeholders towards a safer, healthier and more sustainable food system.
Representative from academia, industry, policy makers, international bodies, NGO’s and many other key stakeholders will analyze the state of the art and the current trends about innovative technologies connected with food quality and authenticity, fraud and traceability, as well as consumer’s food choices, in order to discuss the impact of innovation in devising new strategies for the food system of tomorrow.
Participants to the Summit are Scientists working across the various disciplines of the food systems, Industry representatives, Policy makers and representatives from relevant organizations working in the agri-food and Representatives from consumers and trade associations. They will attend the summit for a debate on how innovation can result into more effective and evidence-based policies and regulations promoting safe, healthy and sustainable food production and consumption. Furthermore, the Summit will be the occasion to advocate for co-designing and developing a safe and sustainable future proofing food system.
Participation is by invitation only.
Read the agenda [.pdf], the Speakers - Booklet [.pdf] and the Follow up [.pdf].
The network
DISH is a collaboration between four universities of four different countries (Denmark, Italy, Sweden, and Hong Kong): Technical University of Denmark, Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, Lund University, and Hong Kong Polytechnic University;
DISH is a non-profit collaborative alliance founded and owned by four universities as global leading Centre for food safety powering food safety and quality with Science and Technology.
DISH is based on the joint and synergic effort of the members, which contributes to the activities by sharing facilities, platforms, and infrastructures, in order to carry R&I Joint projects and training and educational activities in the field of food safety. Through the academic collaborative efforts in engaging the industry, government, NGO:s and other stakeholders, DISH will translate into a true global effort to advance food safety, building on each partner’s networks, experiences and skills. The final goal of DISH on food safety is to create impact on society in the long period.
Via Zamboni 33 Bologna