I will do my traineeship at a Higher Education Institute, must I follow different procedures?
You must contact the international relations office of the receiving institute to check their incoming registration procedure and to know if you are allowed to access the same services as exchange students.
May I modify the start date of the traineeship agreed in the Company Agreement Form?
Yes, provided that your host organization agrees on it. The internship must end within the 31st of July 2026.
You are kindly required to inform our offices by email.
I applied for a traineeship as a recent graduate but I will not be able to graduate as scheduled. Will I have to withdraw from the traineeship?
Not necessarily. We advise to contact us and we will check the possibility to let you do the traineeship as a student.
I applied for a traineeship as a student, but I wish to graduate earlier than scheduled. May I do the traineeship as a recent graduate?
We advise to contact us and we will check the possibility to carry out the traineeship as a recent graduate.
I wish to extend my mobility period. What am I supposed to do?
The extension request must be submitted via Alma RM within the end of the agreed Erasmus period. For more information see the “Guide for selected students”.
May I reduce the mobility period?
No. In case of need, you are kindly requested to contact the offices.
Can I apply for an erasmus grant if I already benefit of an ergo grant?
On the Ergo web page you can find information regarding the compatibility of grants.
Can I withdraw from my mobility, is there a deadlines?
Yes. There are no fixed deadlines, formalize your withdrawal once you are sure that you cannot carry out the internship. Remember that you must also inform your host institution personally.
I have heard about OLS – Online Language Support: what is it?
The OLS is an online programme to support and monitor language development of Erasmus students; participants have to hold a language test at the beginning of the mobility, during the Erasmus+ period they can attend an online language course to improve their language skills. More information is available at the Online Language Support (OLS) section of our website.
I need help with my learning agreement, where do I go?
Contact the Office of your study field that follows up Erasmus+ traineeship. The approval of the content of the learning agreement and the recognition of credits upon return are tasks of your Degree Programme.
When is the deadline to present my Learning agreement on AlmaRM?
Take plenty of time before the start of your traineeship: the Degree Programme Board must approve it and after that you must also obtain the signature of your host institution. The fully completed LAT must be uploaded in AlmaRM before the start date of your traineeship. We advise you to present your Learning Agreement for Traineeship at least two months before the start of your traineeship.
When is the deadline to hand in the mobility agreement?
The Mobility Agreement must be delivered , through the upload on the AlmaRM tool, before the beginning of the traineeship mobility and in any case no later than the first week of the month before the beginning of the mobility, regardless of the conclusion of LAT approval procedure.
I can’t print out the mobility agreement?
If you are on Erasmus+ mobility for study, you can print the mobility agreement for traineeship only once you have uploaded on AlmaRm your “end of period” certificate for E+ studies, thus certifying the official end date of your Erasmus+ study period.
Who informs the host institution about the traineeship?
It’s your personal responsibility to maintain the relationship with your host institution. After you’ve accepted the traineeship we suggest that you contact the host institution to confirm the traineeship and the exact start date. We will write them to thank for the traineeship offer, confirm that you will be an Erasmus+ trainee and explain the administrative steps that will be required. You’ll receive copy of this message.
How can I find accommodation?
Please contact your host organisation for information about possible housing services.
AFORM - Area Formazione e Dottorato - Settore Accordi e mobilità Erasmus+ "UE" - Ufficio Mobilità per tirocinio e mobilità docenti e personale TA
Helpdesk: Palazzina della Viola, Via Filippo Re 4 - 40126 Bologna
Address/Mail: Via Zamboni 33 - 40126 Bologna
Office hours
Telephone Help Desk
Tel: +39 051 20 98042 - 99348 - 99089
Opening hours: From Monday to Friday: 9:00 am – 13:00 pm
Opening hours:
Monday and Wednesday: 10:00 am – 11:30 am
Friday: 10:00 am – 11:00 am