American Centres

Some US partner universities of the Alma Mater have established centres in Bologna which play an important role for the social and cultural cohesion of US students studying in Bologna and offer guidance to Bologna students wishing to visit partner universities in the United States.

Dickinson College

The Dickinson College Centre has been working in Bologna since 1964, welcoming American students attending both English courses at the Centre and programmes at the University of Bologna. Every year 8 Italian students take part in the Overseas exchange programme, studying in the US at the College. Every semester the Dickinson College offers 11 students the chance to attend the courses held in English at the Centre in Bologna, in the fields of Political Science, Economics and International Studies. The Centre also promotes informal meetings between Italian and American students, for conversational English and language learning.
dott. Bruno Grazioli, Associate Director, Dickinson College, via Marsala, 2, 40126 Bologna, tel. 051 224451, fax 051 226056, e-mail:    

BCSP - Bologna Consortium - Indiana University

The BCSP is a Consortium of 6 US Universities (Universities of: Chicago; Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Indiana, Bloomington; North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; Wisconsin, Madison) offering several exchange places to students of the University of Bologna, as part of the Overseas programme. The  Indiana University Centre - BCSP in Bologna collaborates with the International Relations Division to help students aubmit their applications to American Universities and in applying for a study visa. The Centre is also a meeting place for students from the United States and UNIBO students.
Andrea Ricci, Director, Indiana University - BCSP
via Malcontenti, 3 - 40121 Bologna
tel. 051 236486, fax 051 274139

University of California

The University of California Education Abroad Program Centre helps exchange students from the 9 campuses (Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, Merced, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, San Diego, Riverside) of the University of California, providing support in all areas of integration in the social and university context. The Centre also provides academic support in the choice of programme and for selecting the most appropriate interns for the various study programmes. The Centre facilitates meetings between UC and Bologna students taking part in the Overseas mobility programme at the 9 campuses. The mission of the centre is therefore to provide the best possible publicity for the UC-UNIBO exchanges, generally facilitating information flows.
Opening hours of the Centre: Monday-Thursday 1.00 pm - 4.00 pm, Friday by appointment.
Dr. Peggy Kidney (Academic Coordinator)
Maijastina Hourula (Program Administrator)
University of California Education Abroad Program
via Grimaldi 3, 40122 Bologna
tel. 051 231405, fax 051 5282156

E.C.CO.- Eastern College Consortium

The E.C.Co. Programme is a consortium of three US universities (Vassar College, Wellesley College, Wesleyan University) which have signed an agreement with the University of Bologna and actively collaborate with the International Relations division to promote both incoming and outgoing mobility for students and teaching staff. The E.C.Co. programme offers Alma Mater students the possibility to take part in the internship programmes at one of its study centres.
Opening hours of the Centre:
Monday - Thursday 9.30 am - 5.00 pm, Friday by appointment.
Chiara Cioli (Assistant Director)
Giuliana De Meo (Program Coordinator)
Eastern College Consortium
via delle Moline, 2 - 40126 Bologna
tel. 051 221146, fax 051 967280
e-mail: ,

Brown University

The agreement with Brown University in Providence has been running since 1983, a highly profitable collaboration which includes teaching staff and student mobility.
Anna Maria Digirolamo (Resident Director)
Brown University, via Belmeloro 7, 40126 Bologna
tel. 051 2960906, fax 051 6486678

Bologna Center of the Johns Hopkins University - Paul H.Nitze School of Advanced International Studies

The School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) is a US post-graduate specialisation school running 2-year Master's programmes in International Relations. The  Bologna Center, also known as SAIS Bologna, was founded in 1955. It was the first US post-graduate specialisation school to open a campus in Europe. The courses run by SAIS Bologna focus on studies in international relations, economics, history and foreign languages, providing an interdisciplinary study programme. The majority of SAIS Bologna students spend their first year in Bologna and their second and final year in Washington, DC.
Bologna Center of the Johns Hopkins University - School of Advanced International Studies, via Belmeloro 11 - 40126 Bologna
tel. 051 2917811, fax 051 228505