Asia Institute

Asia Institute provides information and support for Chinese and Asiatic students on degree programmes at Ravenna Campus.

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List of services offered:

  1. Linguistic and cultural mediation (Chinese native speaker, Italian language);
  2. Assistance during the Welcome Day organised by the University of Bologna;
  3. Assistance in dealing with bureaucratic formalities related to residence permits, local health services, accommodation, etc.;  
  4. Guidance on the University's educational offer and services;
  5. Assistance in dealing with bureaucratic formalities linked to university life;
  6. Orientation on the city and useful services;
  7. Coordination of extra-curricular activities (cinema, theatre, cultural events etc.);
  8. Accompanying service and language support in exceptional cases (accident, hospital, police station and similar cases).


  1. 提供语言和文化沟通服务; 
  2. 在大学组织的迎新期活动中给予留学生提供帮助; 
  3. 提供学生居留,住宿,健康保险等有关手续指引; 
  4. 为学生提供有关大学的入学步骤,教学计划,教学设施和课程设置等信息; 
  5. 协助学生联系大学办公室办理与教学,学习和生活福利等有关的手续; 
  6. 提供大学校区所在城市的有关有用信息; 
  7. 提供课外活动信息,组织相关活动 (各种文化交流活动);
  8. 在紧急情况下提供陪同翻译和提供语言支持(意外事故,医院,警察局)。


Wu Yinzhe - Tutor Asia Institute

Available from Monday to Friday, from 2pm to 3.30pm, on the Teams platform.

+39 051 2099767