What are your needs? Contact us!
Welcome, information and support for students
- Public Relations - Forlì Campus
- Student Administration Office
- Forlì Campus degree programmes offices
- International Relations Office - URI
- Internships
- Study guidance
- Services for students with special needs and students with specific learning disabilities
- Asia Institute Association for Asian Student Support
Laboratories and study areas
Scholarships and financial benefits
Language learning
Entrance into the job market
See also
- University language centre - CLA Published
- Join the University sport centre Published
- University of Bologna choir and orchestra Published
Guidance, Placement and Public Relations Office (URP) - Forlì Campus.
Services for enrolled students and Services to accompany students and grad students in entering the job market.
Piazzale Solieri n. 1 - 47121 Forlì (FC)
Office hours
Phone calls (+39.0543 374800) during the hours:
Monday 9 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Tuesday 9.00 -11.30 a.m.
Wednesday 9.00 -11.30 a.m.
Thursday 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Virtual Helpdesks by appointment (campusforli.orientamentourp@unibo.it ; +39.0543.374800)
Other services available through the Virtual Helpedesks by appointment:
- Incoming and ongoing orientation interviews (This service must be requested in advance by sending an email to campusforli.orientamentourp@unibo.it)
- Outbound orientation interviews (This service must be requested in advance by sending an email to orientalavoro.fo@unibo.it)